Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Sunday, April 28, 2013


In the spring one just can't have too much yellow - it brightens the cloudy dreary days and glows on the sunny days.

Yellow tulips

Yellow pansies on the deck

Yellow tulips at the boat harbor

Golden Chain trees

Even a yellow kayak

And you know my favorite - yellow dandelions.
Hurray for spring!


Linda @ A La Carte said...

Beautiful yellows!!

Liz said...

Gorgeous flowers! Have a fabulous week!

Liz (mlc)
Liz (yacb)

Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

You can't but smile when you see such yellows. About tree following . . do join in!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

So pretty and spring like.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Such pretty yellows! They brightened my day!

Anonymous said...

What a lot of beautiful yellows! I enjoy dandelions too.

Wildflowerhouse said...

I certainly enjoyed this post as I look out at our gloomy cold day!

Unknown said...

what a gorgeous series! bright and cheerful!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful capture of yellows -- indeed sunny shots for even a cloudy day!! Thank you for sharing! MMY - 48

Kay said...

It's hard not to be cheered up by such wonderful yellows. We saw a big yellow tulip at the Tulip Festival labelled "Big Smile." Perfect name!

The Quintessential Magpie said...


Made my day! :-)

Unknown said...

Beautiful! These make me smile.

Crispy said...

Oh you and your dandelions LOL


Faye said...

Yellow, yellow everywhere. Especially enjoy this color in the spring. And I like the idea of exploring a specific color for one post. I've done this in the past and, as you've shown, such surprising examples of the one color.

Lorrie said...

Love that rebellious red tulip in the midst of the yellow! Yellow is such a welcome sight in spring - so bright after the grey of winter. Lovely photos, Joanne.

J said...

Your pictures are so beautiful! I love yellow! But that red tulip brazenly showing up univited is a rebel after my own heart! Happy much-longed-for spring to all of us!

Betsy said...

Beautiful pictures and I like dandelions too. My sister used to heat them to rinse her hair, made it soft.

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

HA! good one with the kayak too! :)