Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Random 5 Friday

It's Friday - and time to be random again

1. I learned to ride a bike when I was in 4th grade - we never lived in a place where we had an area to ride a bike, nor did we have a bike.  It was a big orange bike and I had to climb up on a gigantic tree stump (big around - not gigantically tall) to jump on the seat and push off to get started.  I loved that big orange bike.

Similar to this bike - but it sure seemed bigger

2. I love to do spring and fall housecleaning - and make lists of things I want to accomplish.

3. I think that the best part of sewing is cutting out the patterns - I'll cut them out - you sew them up.

Miss Abigail Clarissa Wellington-Jones wearing an outfit I sewed for her.

4. I love collections - I collect dolls, bears, milk glass chickens, sets of dishes, silverware. tea sets. .  .  .

5. I rarely wear a jacket - and never use an umbrella, and walk barefoot on the grass in winter - I like to feel close to the weather.


Bev said...

How interesting...thanks for sharing!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, love your hand painted dishes! I learned some fun things about you and your dolly clothes and little umbrella girl are very sweet. I love to make lists, too :) xx

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

I don't use umbrellas either! That dress is so pretty as is your applique block.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh you can cut and I will sew:)
I rode my first bike exactly the way you did we could never afford one so I climbed a tree stump and apparently stole the neighbour kids bike. It was very huge:) B

Nancy said...

If I had had a daughter, I know I would have spent hours making doll clothes like my mom did.... thanks so much for sharing at R5F this week. xo

Anonymous said...

Dishes are fun to collect. Your's are beautiful. I love the last picture, is it a quilt block or wall hanging? I am a list maker too.

Ranch Wife Robyn

Peggy said...

Fascinating! And here I was beginning to think I knew lots about you! I remember learning to ride a bike - it was a neighbor's because we couldn't afford one, and I learned by starting at the top of a small slope on our yard that ran down across the lane into the neighbor's yard! I was almost as scared that first few times as I am today of going on a roller coaster!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

A fun Random 5! I love the doll clothes. My mother made me such pretty Barbie clothes when I was little. Alas, even though I have a sewing machine, I am not much of a seamstress. So you can cut out the pattern, but you'd have to sew it up for me too! :-)

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I loved this Jo, the words and the images.

And those pansies... I don't know that I have seen ones with faces that color. They are GORGEOUS.

Thanks, my friend.



Bruce Clark said...

Boy that bike brought back some nice memories...thanks for sharing.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i enjoy umbrellas because they make me feel like the movie "singing in the rain" - i wish to dance & sing. too fun!! ( :

Crispy said...

I had a visitor from Chicago and he was so amazed at seeing so many people in Seattle without an umbrella. I bet you wouldn't walk outside barefoot in the winter here. I don't even go barefoot in the house in the winter, gotta have socks on to keep my toes warm LOL.


Unknown said...

What a lovely 5 - so fun!
Living in Michigan with the amount of snow we generally get, walking barefoot in the winter is not an option for me. But I rarely wear shoes - if I can at all get away with it.

Mary said...

Beautiful doll and outfit! And i enjoy makings lists too and checking items off as i finish. I get much more done that way! :) Have a good weekend.

Kay said...

Great shots! I especially love the pansies. I don't like umbrellas but you wouldn't find me without a jacket or barefoot most any time of the year. Maybe it's my thin California-born blood.

Veronica Roth said...

Hey, I love this post! Oh the things I miss when I don't check in often enough. :) Love finding out more things about you.

Latane Barton said...

That certainly gave us a glimpse at who you are... Loved all your random things for this week.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That sweet dress is adorable on her. I've sewed and sewed....but the pjs I made didn't fit my doll! So I put them on another doll! heehee! Holiday hugs!