New week - new scavenger hunt - join in the fun.
My very favorite sandwich - Monte Cristo - layers of ham, turkey, cheese - then cooked like French Toast - oh my it is good. This one was at a restaurant in Ellensburg on our way to Soap Lake. It was the special of the day and not always on their menu. A crispy, chilled salad completed the lunch!!
A Bunny Bum Cake that I made one easter for the grandsons - they,of course, thought this was very funny.
And to balance - bunny face cupcakes - love the spaghetti whiskers
And one more yummy - raspberry jam - cooked in the cold winter months, from berries frozen in the summer, when the farm stands are full of berries fresh from the fields.
You must know what my favorite toy is - my lovely camera - or favorite toys - lovely cameras - I have three of them.
Who me?

I'm lucky to have such favorite toys.
This little lady rides in my pocket at all times - ready for a quick shot of the grandsons, or a flower, or a scene from the car. She takes fabulous pictures at 60 mph. She's my oldest camera right now.
This is the big one - the one that can zoom up to 140x and brings tiny things up close and personal.
The back is amazing - the screen flips out and also rotates - making it easier to get a high shot while viewing it in a comfortable position.
Part of each day, this camera is on the tripod in the living room window - trained on the bird feeders on the deck. Sometimes it catches birds, sometimes squirrels trying in vain to get into the squirrel proof feeders and sometimes it catches the neighbor's cat.
Who me?

This is the newest member of the family - great for close ups and macros. It was a gift from our son and DIL when they came to visit last September. It took a lot of photos of their son, Donnie, while they were visiting. This one lives mostly in the house - ready for photo shoots of dishes, flowers and all sorts of pretties.
I'm lucky to have such favorite toys.
Well, I played with my toys - and took lots of photos.
Well, I played with my toys - and took lots of photos.
Wild Bleeding Heart alongside a country road
A Chickadee in our yard
A picture of the almost full moon - with a branch in front of the moon. You can see the outline of the lichen on the branch.
A big old red barn
And with the big camera on the tripod - some Pine Siskins at the feeders.
The tiny flock flew in - ate some seeds and left - never to return since.
I was so lucky to get these shots - I happened to look up at the right time - and was able to sneak to the camera without frightening the birds off.

I played with my zoom on the big camera at the sailboat races this week. Here are the sailboats as you would see them with just your eyes.
Bringing them a little closer - 35X
Now 74X - you can begin to see that there are some people on the sailboats.
At 114 X - people are clearer
And now at 140X - you can see the people clearly. This is the boat with the red sail in the middle of the first photo of sailboats, you can see the reflection of the red sail in the water in this photo. These boats didn't get much closer than in the first shot - it was all done with the camera - zoom - zoom!
That was fun!
Love those shots on the lake - the light is gorgeous, the one of the moon is fab too. But I really love that kitty trying to look innocent - mine do it frequently when they've been up to something!
Wow - I love those sailboat shots!!! <3
I love love love your walking shot, what a beautiful draft horse.
That cat is lovely JoAnn but our cats are in disgrace as they caught and killed one beautiful thrush yeterday - one that has been singing outside my door for the last fortnight. Your photographs are - as usual - a delight.
My zoom lense broke and i need to get it fixed. I am torn apart with out it.
Th cake and cupcakes are too cute! Love the boats - so calm and peaceful out on the water!
The kitty expression is priceless and your boat shots are amazingly clear for that much zoom - beautiful!
Jo Ann, this makes me want to buy a new camera SO bad. Mine is not functioning right now, and I am using my IPAD which takes horrible pictures. I don't know if I could actually learn to use a camera that has a lot of bells and whistles because I don't understand all the technical stuff. It's like speaking a foreign language to me, but I sure would enjoy some of the special things you do with yours.
Love those shots of the sailboats in particular. And that hilarious shot of the cat who was caught. LOL
Lovely photo set. We seem to have the same love of cameras, including the SX30. It my "second" camera. When I want good images but can't take my DSLR, then I go to the SX30. I really love the articulated LCD. That should be standard on upper end cameras. Have a blessed Sunday.
You and I have the same "big" toy with the Canon superzoom. I have lots of fun with mine and as a bonus it is "concert legal" and with its low light capability you can get great pics of performers from the cheap seats.
Lots of great shots!! How fun to always have a camera handy :0)
This was great fun! Lots of wonderful shots. I enjoyed seeing your cameras! I have the little pink Canon that also lives in my purse for photos on the fly! I have two other cameras and need to share them one day on my blog with photos from each to show the versatility of them. The shots of the sail boats was great fun!
hugs, Linda
Wow amazing photos! I love the old red barn.
Love that kitty shot! Also love how clear the photos are of the sail boats with that big zoom.
All your pics are amazing. We don't have Bleeding Hearts in my area (that I know of - perhaps I'm looking in the wrong places).
I really appreciated your photos of the sailboats "zoomed" at various distances. Makes me want a zoom lens...
Love the bunny cake & cupcakes, the horse, the kitty- lots of fun! (Just tried to comment on today - Sunday's - shots and it wouldn't publish. Hope I have more luck with this one.)
Thanks for showing us the cameras you use. I always wonder about this when a site has the quality of pictures that yours does. You really know how to handle them all!
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