Maya at SpringtreeRoad is featuring black and white photos during the month of November. Stop by and see the other wonderful black and white photos.
Let's go back in time . . .

We've driven past this old log cabin so many times . . .

It is in an area of the county that we love, and the ride is peaceful.
I can just see the people who lived here. . .
working in their garden . . .
picking apples in the fall . . .

Keeping a cow or two on the hillside pasture and of course, chickens pecking about under the trees. They would pick blackberries in the fields to can for winter and watch as the geese flew overhead in their migration to the south, and warmer days.
When it rained the people in this cabin would stay indoors . .

making quilts, with the frame raised up to the ceiling
when they needed to use the room for other purposes . . .
mending harnesses by the fire and sometimes making the trip of two miles to the nearest neighbor.

They would share dinner together, perhaps bring a loaf of fresh bread
made with their bread trough . . .

And help with quilts or spinning. It was a different life, lived in this tiny cabin with two babies running about. They worked hard during their time and never could have imagined that someday, many years later, their house would appear in a blog, on the internet - speeding around the world - their heads would spin from such ideas.