Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Monday, April 15, 2013

Shorebirds in Birch Bay

Yesterday started out cloudy - even some rain - by 1 o'clock the clouds were disappearing and the sun came out - beautiful spring day.  We headed to a few yard sales - nothing there for us - then with our picnic packed, we headed for Birch Bay to see what birds we might find.  It was our lucky day.  The tide was out - waaaay out.  Birch Bay is a wide, shallow bay.  You could probably walk out 1/4 mile or more and never have the water above your knees when the tide is in.  When it is out, there are lots of tide pools left - and that is where we spotted the shorebirds.

This is how many great photos I took

Great pose and reflection

The sun was so bright, with the blue sky reflecting in the water

The flock wasn't very large - but they were very busy

From my research it appears that these are Willets - an unusual bird for this area.  If you have any other information, perhaps a different identification of these birds, I'd love to hear it.

 Going in for the good stuff!

All the time we were there, we never saw them fly. If they had flown, their wing colors would have given a more definite identification.

They skittered about very quickly - I had to be just as quick to capture them.


Jeanne said...

Beautiful pictures of birdie lunchtime.
I love the colors.

Kay said...

This looks like you had a lot of fun! (Don't have time to pull out my bird book. I'll take your word for it on the willets!)

Lmkazmierczak said...

What a great lot of shots♫ All the blues on your collage really makes an impact...You "shore" had a good time♫♪ My Catching the light:

Crispy said...

It looks like they had a great day for fishing :0)


Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

all great photos but I started chuckling at the going in for the good stuff one! :)

Carletta said...

Loved your collage of these wonderful birds!
Some nice reflections too and I like the ripples in the water.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I think they are willets...probably ;>)...... I love how you did the collage of all your pictures. And the close up action shots are great. I love coming across groups of shorebirds and you're right, they definitely seem to hang out like that for a looooong time without flying.

Pondside said...

Beautiful shots! The birds are so very dainty - love that very first portrait.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, they are so pretty! I love their patterned feathers and long pointed beaks. I like how you captured their movements in the glistening water. xx