Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Pussy Willows

It's just not spring without Pussy Willows. 

Ok - it's spring now!


Jill Wellington said...

Awww! Lovely! I am awaiting ANY sign of spring here in Michigan.

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

My grandmother had pussy willow and I always associate spring with her and my mom bringing branches into the house ..

Jan n Jer said...

Great shot...they look so pretty mixed in with a flower arrangement.

Nancy said...

I so agree! They are the first sign of spring here too! xo

Anonymous said...

Exquisite shots of some of nature's treasures ^_^

Peggy said...

Oh Yes! Time to go for a walk by the river and collect some!

Babajeza said...

Yes, yes, it is spring (I don't mention the 4 inches of snow we had this morning). :-)

Susan Freeman said...

Beautiful! I love them too.

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

The Weaver of Grass said...

It is just coming out here JoAnn - very late this year. We always associate it with the palm and palm Sunday (the sunday before easter), but it was nowhere near out then. I love it and it goes so beautifully with daffodils in a vase.

Crispy said...

I love pussy willows!! I really like the smell of them :0)


gardenbug said...

We used to call them "wussy pillows"...

For me it is official spring when the bloodroot blooms. :)

Karen said...

Oh, lovely soft captures. My pussy willows blossomed about 2 weeks ago, today, it's snowing!

Kay said...

I shouldn't whine that we've still got grey skies, and rain. Sounds like many poor souls are still digging out from snow. I suppose sooner or later we'll all have summer, won't we? Won't we????

Life at Still Woods said...

I love your pictures! I am not sure that pussy willows grow down here in the deep south?? From the comments of others, they must have a sweet smell as well. Azaleas announce spring here. I am visiting from a Favorite Thing Saturday and am your newest follower. Please stop by Still Woods Farmhouse for a visit!

Claudia said...

I've yet to see any pussy willows this spring, so I'm very happy you showed them here!

Thanks so much for joining in this week.


Jeanne said...

So nice to see those buds.