I've enjoyed my time away from blogging and I've missed you all terribly. I love to see comments pop up in my mailbox throughout the day and I've really missed that. I've popped around to see what you've been up to and to check and see if you are getting along without me - and sure enough - you held up very well.

I've had fun during my break - really relaxing after the tough year last year. I've done a lot of spring cleaning (I love the house to sparkle), planned some new projects (more about that later) and just generally slowed down and recuperated.

I took a lot of photos during January - you'll be seeing more those later on. I spent time sorting and organizing photos. Just a great month. Our weather has been typical NW Washington weather - lots of rain - some wind and plenty of clouds - with a glorious day or two of sunshine thrown in.

The daffodils are beginning to show their buds - won't be long now. The Hazel Nut trees are fat with catkins
Snow is falling on Mt. Baker - almost 30 feet (approx. 9 m) now - and more to come. The skiers are having a grand time.

Birds are everywhere - thousands of Snow Geese and hundreds of Trumpeter and Tundra Swans in the fields.
A grand month and I'm happy to be back - looking forward to your fun comments - what have you been up to in January?
Have a little fun today
Lovely to see you back. We have missed you too! Lovely photos as always!
Wonderful to see you back...and glad that you had a good rest!
and LivingFromHappiness
Glad to see you back, JoAnn. The birds are amazing! Taking some time away from most things results in other things getting done and more projects started. Looking forward to seeing what you've been up to.
Glad you are ok and enjoying you beautiful surroundings. Looking forward to seeing more of your pictures. I have had the urge to spring-clean, but so far we haven't had the weather for it. I like to wash curtains and have them blowing on the line!
In Japan, "spring cleaning" is done to get ready for the start of the year. My house didn't make it at the start but little-by-little, it is getting done now. My camera went to the Tokyo Dome show with me but is still sitting idle.
Hello JoAnn, I am so happy to see you back posting. Sounds like you accomplished a lot during your break. Wonderful collection of images, the birds and mountain views are fabulous. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!
Mt. Baker looks awesomely beautiful!
Lovely to have so much bird life on your doorstep.
So glad you're back! Loved seeing those familiar photos again - the stunning Mt. Baker, the wildlife, the barns, the dollies...! I envy your "sparkling" house though! After Christmas, I always think I'm going to get that done. Work like crazy for a day or two and then think, "oh, I'll just wait til spring!"
Good to see you back here, Jo. All those lovely photos!!!! We've been busy with renos around here, just about done this phase - one step at a time.
Nice to see you back. I posted today too. You always take such nice pictures--can't wait to see them and have glowing commentary too.
Welcome back.
So nice photos!
Lovely to hear from you and to know that all is well! xx
It is so good to see a post from you. You have been missed. I am looking forward to seeing the dolls on Wednesday again too. Welcome Back!!!
Welcome back! What wonderful winter photos. Can you tell me where that windmill on the wooden stand is located? It must be an oldie, as most of them are on metal stands I think.
Great birds you have around, and spring will soon be here!
Just amazing photos. Nature, birds, show, scenery and all domestic little things. You have had an interesting january.
R. Täysin arkista
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