Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Weekly Top Shots

The spring in NW Washington is almost blindingly beautiful - so much in bloom at one time.

Flowers in the rain

And flowers in the sun

Flowers that grow looking like they are in a bouquet

And flowers that smell so sweet you can barely believe it

Oh spring!!!


Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

Hyacinths and your photography: I could smell them for a moment there : )

I have always imagined that were there truly a "heaven" it would surely have the scent of hyacinths throughout

A favorite flower..:)

Jill Wellington said...

Wow...those lilacs are beautiful! I wish I could smell them and the hyacinths! I wish our spring flowers were in full bloom. Very pretty photos!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

So very lovely!



hamilton said...

There is something about flowers in the rain that is so refreshing.
You must be fond of this pinky-purple shade of flowers :)

Jeanne said...

Very pretty!!

Fran said...

Great shots. So cool, literally, the flowers in the rain.

Kay said...

So pretty! Love all these shades of pink and lavender. I sure wish they had "scratch and sniff" on computer screens.

Aud said...

Very lovely photos, I like especially the Hyasinth.
Have a nice day:-)i

abrianna said...

Beautiful, especially the lilacs.

Anonymous said...

Your flower pictures are so refreshing, JoAnn! The first two are my favorites. I hope our trees, lilacs and flowers start to bloom soon.

Thank You for sharing the beauty of spring in your area.


Pat said...

You have the best climate for flowers! Great color series.

DeniseinVA said...

Your flowers are gorgeous, wonderful photos and I thank you so much for linking with Today's Flowers :)

Ahayes1225 said...

Wonderful flower photos. So glad that it is spring now!