Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A "New" Quilt

Take a ride in the sunshine - look for a good spot to take photos of  the Olynpic Mountains (we could see them way down on the Olympic Peninsula all the way from Skagit County) - drive through LaConner - surely the mountains can be seen from there - drive over the big bridge in LaConner - maybe out here - ooops - turn around - there is a yard sale - wind around in lovely neighborhoods - almost give up - no wait - there's the sign - drive up a twisty, narrow driveway - find a somewhat safe place to park - wait while Don scopes out the yard sale since it is quite a hike up to the house - my trekking poles await in the back seat in case he finds something interesting.  Thank heavens for trekking poles - I can get around so much better after my back surgery with the poles.

Oh - look what he found!!! He is a good "scoper-outer" - he knows what I like.

Sunbonnet Sue handmade quilt
Interesting setting - the Sues on the edges are facing sideways so
when it is on the bed, they will be walking
along the edges - clever setting.

Quilt was made in the 1930s - so it is almost 80 years old

Hand appliqued and hand quilted

The fabrics are in almost perfect condition - no worn spots
except on the top binding - that is often caused
because the top sheet is folded back over the quilt
and rubs on it - and also from pulling the quilt up snug
about you - that area gets a lot of use.

Each sunbonnet has three tiny roses (about the size of the end of a pencil eraser) 

Lots of tiny roses

Detail of one block

An edge block - showing quilting on the outer border
(at bottom of photo)

Quilting on the sashing - I like the contrast of the
loopy quilting in the blocks and the geometric quilting in the sashing

Hand quilting details on the back of the quilt.

Oh - you want to know what I paid for this beauty?  Do you?  
Well, they were asking 45.00 - which is an amazing price - don't you agree?  Hand made from start to finish - almost 80 years old - fabric in good condition - most embroidery is intact

So, always being the bargain hunter - we offered 30.00 - figuring we'd meet someplace in the middle - the seller touched
the quilt a few times and said - Sure, why not!

And it was mine!

Drive home - hold the quilt on my lap - turn on the AC in the car because we all know that holding a quilt on your lap on a sunny day is too hot - take photos of the quilt on the deck - and sit and enjoy the evening -new quilt spread over my lap -
it was a very good ride in the sunshine.


Rajesh said...

Very grand. Kids will love it.

Julie Fukuda said...

Someone put a lot of love and thought into that quilt. Looks like you have found a treasure. I hope my quilts will still be in such good shape after 80 years ... and that they will still be in the family.

eileeninmd said...

Sounds like a lovely trip, the mountain scenery and to come home with the beautiful quilt. Lovely find! Have a happy day and week ahead.

Lea said...

A beautiful quilt at a bargain price!
Have a wonderful week!
Lea's Menagerie

Kay said...

My goodness! What a treasure! It's great just to see something so cute and handmade. . .plus 80 years old. . .plus its being in great condition. . .and the price! Lucky you! (I got up early Saturday to drive to a garage sale that advertised scrapbook "accessories." Terrible disappointment!)

Crispy said...

WOW what a wonderful find!!! You lucky lady :0)


Gayle said...

OH, I AM SO JEALOUS!!! My favorite color AND I love the sunbonnet Sue! Oh my, so jealous! I'm from your part of town as well, I hope you stop by and see the Olympics I have posted for Mosaic Monday.
Gayle from Behind the Gate

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Wow, JoAnn, you found a real treasure! I love the fabrics and the embroidered roses! So amazing that it has survived all this time in such good shape. It's beautiful! xx