Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Blooming Tuesday

There are flowers blooming all around me - but not many in my yard.  I'm not able to do a lot of gardening - almost all of it is in pots on my deck.  Right now the pots are overwhelmed with violas - and I just can't get enough photos of them - in the shade - in the sunshine - and the scent is fabulous on these warm spring days.

I hope you enjoyed the tour!!


Evelyn S. said...

They have the most fabulous happy faces, don't they?? LOVE the wonderful colors, too.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I have them all around my house in pots too JoAnn - I love the crystal clear colours - nothing like them for cheering up the morning.

Faye said...

Hard to choose a favorite color--the clear jewel tones or the soft watercolors. Container plantings seems like a great way to go for you--protected from weather if necessary and the designing of a particular plant combo just really brings out the inner artist.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

I love pansies! They seem to have little faces that peer at you. I love the way they are back lit by the sun - it makes them even prettier! Oh, I do love that yellow one with the lavender edging. I can imagine how sweet their scent is! xx

Jean said...

Such happy blooms! They always make me smile. Welcome to Bloomin' Tuesday! Jean

Kay said...

I love the color combinations in these fabulous flowers. They're such a cheerful sign of spring!

Sharon said...

I love pansies, especially purple ones! Your photos are lovely!

Julie Fukuda said...

They pose with smiling faces ... hard to resist!

One More Time Events said...

Beautiful!!!! Your pictures are so good you really captured the beauty of these flowers!

Sarah said...

Definitely enjoyed the tour of these sweet little blooming faces. Pansies always bring joy to my heart.

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

all favorite is the purple and yellow variety

Liz @ Sit With Me In My Garden said...

So pretty! I love violas- even more than pansies! It's great that they come back each year and share their pretty little faces once again!