Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Friday, May 31, 2013

Garden Party - Aromas

There is nothing in the spring like lilacs - ours are blooming - all over town - and the scent is heavenly.

There are so many colors of lilacs - and all are sweet smelling

Sparkling White

Softest, palest lavender - almost with a blue tint

Mounds of pale lilac

Just opening

In full bloom - medium lilac

Can yo have a medium two?  Between medium and dark.  There are so many colors 

Almost every yard has at least one bush - maybe two or three

And dark - next to a Pink Dogwood

The darkest of purples

My friend's lilac - sweet scented and bi-colored

A bouquet of bi-colored lilacs


Mona's Picturesque said...

What a glorius set of photos!
Love Lilacs. You must have heavenly scent in your house now?
Thank you for joining Floral Love!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous! I love lilacs. I don't remember seeing a bicoloured lilac before.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Oh, these are just exquisite. I wish we could grow them here, but they don't like Florida. Glad they like your neck of the woods so you can enjoy them. I'll just have to enjoy them through your photos! :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why we don't see much of these here in our neck of the woods, maybe it's too warm. I'll have to look into it. It must smell absolutely heavenly where you live!

Julie Fukuda said...

Whoa, I never saw one with two colors before! We had a bush once that did poorly and only bloomed once in ten years. When it left, I put in a crape myrtle that blooms like crazy and can be trimmed back to a stump every year. Still, it would never beat those lolacs for smell!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Lilacs remind me of my Grandmother's house. She had a big grove of them that we played under when we were little. I love all the different colors you have shown us. The dark purple are beautiful and those bi-colored are amazing! What a beautiful bouquet! xo

Claudia said...

Lilacs are so lovely. Unfortunately, I miss our lilac's bloom time almost every year as I'm away working. My only wish is that they bloomed for just a bit longer than they do!

Thanks so much for joining in this week!


The Quintessential Magpie said...

I know I commented on this JoAnn, but I couldn't resist coming by and taking another look when I saw you linked up at Claudia's. Just GORGEOUS. I never tire of looking at them.



Rose Garden Malevik said...

WOOW. your Lilacs are Lovley :)
and do not miss...


it is FUN :)
Håkan ( The Roseman)