Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Flying High

 Sitting on our deck this weekend, something caught my eye - high up above the trees.  Two hawks for circling.  Hoping to catch something, I grabbed the camera and leaned way back in my chair and tried for a picture.  When I first look through the lens there is nothing visible in the sky - they are way up there.  Zooming in I see them - but it is hard to follow their circling- click -  click  - let's see what we have here. 

I am thrilled at the two pictures I got before they slowly
circled out of view - this was at full zoom.
They were really up there.

It was an amazing experience.


Snap said...

Isn't it fun to see the hawks circling?!! I see one or two every week when I'm out walking. Such a sight!

Nancy said...

I always seem to scare them off of the telephone poles and never get a good shot! Love these JoAnn -- quick reflexes!

Latane Barton said...

I often see hawks sitting by the side of the road waiting for road kill but I don't see them flying. Your pictures are great.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

I love how you captured the patterns on their wings! Beautiful! xx

Julie Fukuda said...

We have Black-eared Kites that circle slowly overhead. I have heard Scouters say that they will come down and snatch your food off your plate but all my pictures are the same view as yours.