Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Often the farmers will post signs along the edges of their fields so the curious might know what is growing there.  We came across this sign in the autumn, after the harvest 

Made us laugh!


RedPat said...

Gave me a smile too!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That is hilarious! When we were on the road all the time, we used to say that farmers should have to post what crop was growing in those fields! We loved it when we saw them. This sign really takes our wish to the extreme. I loved it!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! That farmer has a big sense of humour. I'd buy what he's selling.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Me too:) B

Kay said...

This is so funny!! I LOVE it!

Lesley said...

I would definitely stop there!

greenthumb said...

Me too.

Bernideen said...

And don't we love to laugh! it doeth good like a medicine!

Bernideen said...

And don't we love to laugh! it doeth good like a medicine!

Unknown said...

LOL! i'd love to see what BIG UGLY CARROTS look like! i'd definitely stop here.:p


The Quintessential Magpie said...

That's a good one! LOL

Tanya Breese said...

oh my gosh, that is too funny!

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

LOL me too! :)

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

You find the best signs, JoAnn! You need to publish a book of signs! This one is too funny! xx

Fundy Blue said...

Hee, hee, hee!

genie said...

This definitely is a collector's item. What a GREAT find. It makes me giggle. genie

Taken For Granted said...

There is a farmer with a sense of humor. Well found!