Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Open House

Welcome to our home - come right in - wait - let's stop at the deck, come, have a seat - a warm sunny day,  lots of flowers, maybe a glass of iced tea?

When we bought our house 5 1/2 years ago - it had no deck.  It had a tiny walk up porch 

I planted flowers - tried to use it as much as possible - but it was hard to even fit two chairs up there - we had to wiggle about to get back in the house of we were both out there - not a good solution for people who love to sit on the deck.  And certainly not big enough for a family barbecue

We saved up for a long time to get this load of supplies - and it was worth the wait - here comes the deck

Careful - that is some precious cargo

I was the designer - I didn't like any of the deck plans I looked at - so I drew up my own plans

Built by family - our son-in-law Jay was the main builder
See that dark hole?  That is the space that was the old porch

Our Grandson Jahn helping his Pop with the framing  - we had to use the back door during construction  

Jahn was always ready to work

Landscaping the yard after the deck was built - with a neighbor walking by and stopping to chat

Our first summer - the slats on the railing were the work of our daughter Beccy and son-in-law Jason. Our daughter Lori also helped in the main building of the deck.  I'm  not sure why I didn't get any photos of them helping - but I didn't

New deck furniture - and a few planters on the railing. The ramp is to the right of the photo

The cleat on the bench was given to me by Jason's father.  The pulley was a thrift store find, and the elephant watering can a Mother's  Day gift from Grandson  Ben. The rock on the right side has ocean fossils in it - and was found at 4,000 feet up the side of a mountain.

A pelican and two gnomes - they get along quite well

Pansies in pansy painted metal planters


Rows of railing planters - overflowing with nasturtiums - can you smell them?

Sometimes our deck looks like this - before I get out the leaf blower in the autumn (it is a small electric blower, but it can blow 150 mph - that takes care of the leaves in a hurry)

Sometimes it looks like this - brr rrrr rr r rrr ....

Poor pansies - but they survived

There is a wooden woodpecker door knocker if you'd like to come inside

Sometimes our deck is full of bubbles - and Ben

And grandsons eating a cupcake - enjoying summer

Or a grandson give the roses a drink of milk

In the summer I change out the flowers - sometimes Geraniums

Sometimes   Geraniums in the rain

Or Petunias

They grow fast to fill up the planters

And sometimes pansies

Lots and lots of pansies
But however it looks - it is one of our favorite parts of our home 

So glad you stopped by, our deck is pure joy to us - a place to share with family and friends, or a place to sit quietly alone and enjoy nature, and the long wait for it makes it all the more so.


Kay said...

It's always fun to see the "before, during and after" of a project. This looks like a great, comfortable deck, and a welcome addition to your home. How nice that you had family ready to help.

Bernideen said...

I left a comment earlier about your great deck but it never posted so here I am again - your entire family sure did a terrific job on this! Thanks for linking to "Open House" as this is truly a DIY project!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

I'm thinkin' the deck was well worth the wait. Lucky you!!! And you decorated it so beautifully with the flowers. I particularly like your little gnomes!!! Have agrand weekend!! Cathy

Unknown said...

That is a lovely deck. It shows the TLC your family gave to it and all the flowers are so pretty too. Already a lot of great memories there and I am sure many more to come with the rest of spring and summer. Thank you for sharing with our waltzers :)

Have a beautiful Memorial weekend, will you be doing a barbecue out on the deck?

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, I love your deck, JoAnn - a true labor of love and a beautiful space decorated with all your wonderful 'finds' and beautiful flowers. I do love the rails and sweet little treasures. The rock with fossils - amazing! You'll have to tell us more about that! I really love the photos of your precious grandchildren. The photo with the bubbles is my fave. Now if we can just get some sunshine.....!!!! Enjoy the long weekend, hopefully on that lovely deck! Hugs xoxo

Julie Fukuda said...

Thanks! I enjoyed that visit very much.

Hazel said...

What a beautiful family and lovely deck you have! Lots of joy to see. Your grandchildren are all sweet cuties. I smiled all the way from the first photo down to the last. Thanks for sharing your joy.

Deb said...

I love your deck...built with love...lots of memories being made on it

Meri said...

What a wonderful transformation -- gathering space, nature space, place of love for all seasons.

greenthumb said...

It was worth the wait, it looks great.

Larry said...

Great deck, good times, and lovely blooms... particularly the pansies! Larry

GardenOfDaisies said...

Such a wonderful place to enjoy the beauty around you and the company of your family and neighbors. I love those pots of nasturtiums!

joy said...

I love your deck, what a happy place. We have a deck at the back of our house, I'll take some photos as the season progresses.
Joy xx

The Weaver of Grass said...

What a transformation JoAnn and what a good family you have to help you like that. I wish I could sit there with you and share a cup of mint tea.

eileeninmd said...

Your deck is a beautiful addition on your house. I love the railing planters, all the flowers are gorgeous. Your grandchildren are all so cute. Loved the photos, thanks for sharing. Have a happy weekend!

September Violets said...

You've made a wonderful outdoor space to enjoy all the seasons! The planters look so nice along the railing. Your family must be so proud to have had a hand in the creation of the deck ... especially your handsome grandsons!

Christine Thresh said...

I remember back when you started the deck project. It's great that you are enjoying now throughout the seasons. I do love that door knocker. I don't remember seeing it before. Have a wonderful summer.

Beth said...

Your deck is beautiful! Love the flowers!

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

It looks very lovely and peaceful...and I always love your photos. In this case my favorite is the one with the roses and the grand, who shares his milk. Too cute!!!

Susan Freeman said...

Your deck is lovely and you have such a pretty view too. Such a wonderful spot for the family to come together and make many happy memories! Have a great weekend.

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

Sally Annie Magundy said...

Your deck is wonderful - what a lot of great memories it holds, not only bringing enjoyment to your family but also having been made by them! Such fun to see it through the seasons and with your grandchildren. And I adore pansies and nasturtiums, so charming.

Happy weekend!

My Little Home and Garden said...

It look like you deck sees a lot of fun!