Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday Mellow Yellows and a Cat

It is Monday

It is Mellow

It is Yellow

And its time for a party in the garden

It i s Pansies

Sweet smelling, smiling pansies

Pansies by trees

One lone yellow Pansy on a Purple Pansy plant, how does that happen?

Yellow and lavender Pansies

And the neighbor's cat in a pot

He's so Mellow


Kay said...

Your pansies are so cheerful! I love the soft colors. It makes me want to figure out a place to plant some. . .but for now it's time to plant some vegetables.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Lovely pansies! The blooms look so delicate that I've always wondered how they could hold up their heads. And the kitty in the pot is so cute. Cats can sit anywhere and act like that's exactly where they belong. :-)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photography but the kitty steals the show ~ so cute ^_^ ~

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Exquisite photos, Joy! Just gorgeous, each and every last one. I adore pansies.



Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

LOL I was all enthralled by the light shining through the pansies on one or two of the pics and then the cat showed up and cracked me up! :)

Mindy said...

Pansies are so dang happy, aren't they? Pretty pictures. The cat looks like he got busted. :)

Mary said...

Love the pansies! It's almost as if they're singing. :). I live your neighbor's kitty. Here i am he says! Do you see me?? Lol

daisy g said...

Pansies can really cheer you. Cute kitty.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Those are beautiful pansies and they seem to have the same expression as the little neighbor kitty! So cute! xoxo

Stacy said...

Hello ~ love your beautiful pansies! They are one of my all time favorite flowers! Visiting from TGP and a new follower :)

Unknown said...

I love the pansies and the kitty in the pot is so cute.