Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window...the birds are chirping - the sun is shining - the flowers are blooming - it is spring - a perfect May Day - Glorious Beltane

  I am hearing…almost silence, just some birds singing now and then - no wind - no cars - it is so peaceful.  I prefer it that way - with no interrupting sounds - although a lawn mower in the distance, or a small airplane softly droning are wonderful additions to any sunny day.

In the kitchen...are two chocolate muffins.  Don brought them home from work to share with me.  I will share one with a friend today.

I am wearing... Black slacks, flowered shirt (made with three different coordinating fabrics - same flowers - different sizes and design)

 I am creating...a round tablecloth - for my "new" round dining room table - discovered for me by my SIL Jason at a yard sale last Saturday

Those bears!!!

I am get better at walking - use the trekking poles and walk more often - recuperating from back surgery takes ever so long - but I'm stubborn determined.

I am reading...Quiet - The Power of Introvets - by Susan Cain.  Very interesting and helpful.

I am hoping...that the weather forecast is true - sunshine for 10 days and 74 degrees by this weekend - I can  hope.

I am looking forward get-togethers this summer - grandsons make life so exciting.

Donnie helping daddy garden - gotta love those gloves

I am learning…some patience - note I didn't say "patience", but some is better than none

Around the house...Everything is sparkling in the sunshine, the tea service is set up for my friend who is coming to spend the day.

A favorite quote for today...“Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.”   Marthe Troly-Curtin

One of my favorite things...The time in the early evening when Don comes in from work and says "You want to go on an adventure?" - and the answer is always a smile - and YES!  Maybe we'll get another picture of the mountain.

Mt Baker on the left - The Sisters on the right

A peek into my day... I begin with physical therapy - I end with physical therapy - in between I enjoy so many things - wiping down the kitchen counters - putting away some treasured dishes that I hand washed - phone calls from my son and grandson in West Virginia - staring out the window at the woods across the street, listening for woodpeckers - folding laundry - iced tea - searching ebay for that one special dish I know I will find today - reading - singing a few favorite songs in my head - sitting on the deck in the sunshine - waving to neighbors as they stroll past - talking to Don in the evening after dinner - its a good day.


The Quintessential Magpie said...

Loved every frame.

Neesie said...

Hello from DownUnder in Australia JoAnn,
What a delightful journal although it sounds like you've had quite a time of it with back surgery etc. I hope you continue to progress towards a complete recovery soon.
I am addicted to taking photos and I had such a great time looking at yours.
Thanks for sharing ;D

Snap said...

I enjoy Daybook posts. You learn so much about your blogging friends this way. Lovely pics ... especially your little gardening worker bees! :D I've had back surgery and it was very successful .. I can walk! I still have to be careful and sometimes end up doing *therapy* ... but life is good! Love the bears!

Kay said...

Wonderful journal and pictures! It sounds like a day full of positives and the images are just right.

I hope you have a steady and successful recovery from your surgery. I can't call it PT, but I do exercises before I get out of bed every day and feel it if I don't. Seems the older I get the more maintenance I need and it seems well worth the effort.

Nonnie said...

I treasure your daybook! You sound like you are doing just the right things to recover from such a huge surgery. I want to see your shirt, it sounds intriguing, just what I'd like! Oh, I love the tea table setting!
Blessings for the weekend are wished for you and Don.

Anonymous said...

Love all the photos :)
