A Halloween Party at my house in Alaska. Back then we didn't have store bought costumes and many of us dressed up as Gypsies. It was fun to get out makeup,and fancy dresses and scarves to see what we could become - this was probably taken about 1960 or 61. Do any of you recognize yourself ?
We ate cupcake decorated like pumpkins and some kind of cake. There was always punch and sometimes ice cream.
I am on the far right - apparently I was looking to make sure everyone was in line.

I've forgotten some of the names, remembered others and lost touch with some of the friends from back then.
How sweet you were, JoAnn! (And still are) This photo is just like my childhood Halloweens. Home-made costumes were the way to go - we hated those uncomfortable plastic masks! I see your Mother's crocheted tablecloth- so beautiful.
One year I went as a little elf. I had this funny pointy green fur hat and I wore green tights, sweatshirt and boots. (Those were the days when I had a tiny fanny - he he) Good memories. Thanks for sharing! xx
What great photos! I remember all those homemade costumes too. I remember being a gypsy too! So glad to have you playing along with all of us at Flashback Friday. I'm your newest follower :)
How cute your photo's are. It's way kids should be and aren't any more...
How precious! I SO wish I had photos of our Halloweens. I must be about the same age as you...and yes, there were always gypsies and hobos and easy costumes to put together with what you had on hand! AND it was FUN!!! Thanks for the memories!
I love these! The only costume party I recall having had ... we were all hobos. Gypsies sounds much more glamorous - didn't you just FEEL it? :)
I think hand made costumes like those were the best. I stopped by from Seaside Simplicity.
That's so fun to have these pics from then!
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