We had a lovely evening in the cabin at Bay View State Park - then it came time to go to bed. Well, bed is a matter of opinion. First of all - I brought twin sheets by accident, and the bed was full size. There was a mattress, of sorts - 4" of foam encased in heavy plastic. With solid boards under the mattress - a lot like sleeping on the floor with a quilt under you. The night was cool and comfortable - the bed was ok as long as you were asleep and didn't know you were sleeping on a giant rock. So morning came early - 5:15 - and I was wide awake - Don was soon awake too. In a 12x16 cabin it is hard to sleep if one person is up and roaming around.
Since we had to check out at 1 p.m. we decided to pack the car, and not being able to face cold blueberry muffins for breakfast, we decided to drive a few miles to The Farmhouse Restaurant. Packed up - kept the key though, since we didn't know where we would be going after breakfast, ready to head for breakfast. While packing up - we met this fellow.
He was at the next cabin - they had forgotten to take their garbage to the dumpster the night before - and he found it.
He retreated a bit and is watching Don come back up the ramp to our cabin
This pretty young deer was walking along the road as we left for breakfast - not in a big hurry
He turned into a field and disappeared
And just a little ways down the road another deer, in field near an apple tree. We drove up to look at a walking trail, stayed a while and drove back, and she was still in that same pose almost 15 minutes later.
Somebody was out early, enjoying the calm water
After breakfast (we were up so early that we had to wait 20 minutes for the restaurant to open) we headed back to the cabin to take some photos of things I had noted along the way. First was a huge field of just baled hay.
These hay bales weight about 900 pounds each - that is a lot of hay.
Two days later, when we passed this way there was a giant forklift, picking up two bales at a time and loading them onto a semi truck and trailer - I'm glad I got the pictures of the full field earlier. Truck was waiting to get loaded with hay.
The town of Bay View consists of just houses, and the State Park. It is very small and the houses are charming - with lovely gardens.
These flowers were along the outside of the fence of one of the cottages. I don't know what the yellow flower is - any ideas?
This seaside cottage had the prettiest hollyhocks - we actually had to come back a second times, as someone was busy in the garden and for some reason had a bright orange safety vest on, which clashed with the flowers.
A bit farther down the road was a sheep ranch that we had been past many times - but rarely found the sheep and goats in a good place to get photos. Today it was perfect - they were all above the fence line so I could get clear views of them.
This was one of my favorites - he was standing up on a stump and scratching his tummy with his hind leg - quite the acrobat.
So many sheep and goats - the dueling pair was fun to watch - they were so serious.
There were lots of chickens up by the barn and I could only get pictures of the two roosters - they had a crowing contest I think.

Just up the road was a sign that I had seen before and I wanted to stop and get pictures of it. It is easy to stop on the side of the road out here - there was no traffic that day except a group of bicyclists who waved and rode on.
There were lots of stacked stones just beneath the sign, I hadn't seen them until we pulled up to get the photos. Such peacefulness there.
That was it for the photos - and we had to get checked out of the cabin and on to the next cabin - across the bay at Fidalgo Bay Resort. See you tomorrow!!!
It looks like you are having a great vacation. Many nice shots of the flora and fauna. You got some really good shots of that raccoon.
Lovely post JoAnn with some great photos, particularly those of the raccoon.
We don't have them here in the UK.
In the UK we call that yellow flower tansy - I don't know what its botanical name is though.
I think the yellow flower is loosestrife, or lysimachia punctata
Joy xx
Beautiful photos! I felt as if I was right there with you. The wildlife is always my favorite subject, but this time I have to say that the hay bales are such a perfect composition that the photo could be used to teach perspective. And what a charming cottage! You always find beauty wherever you go! (I think it actually follows YOU!)
Wonderful photos, JoAnn! Love the raccoon - he looks like he was posing pretty just for you! So many wonderful sights - the hay, the goats and sheep, the roosters, the deer - just wonderful! And that cottage by the bay- my goodness, that is my dream cottage right there! How pretty is that garden - just as pretty as a picture - oh wait, it is a picture! Easy to forget because your photos are just so beautiful. Hugs xoxo
I am enjoying your holiday with you. Thanks for all those great pictures!
At least your bad mattress got you up and out for a long day of interesting explorations. Great shots of the raccoon - and all the other critters, too. Someone was haying a field not far from our house recently (we're virtually surrounded by hay fields) and roared by about every half hour or so with six of those big, round bales on a big, long old truck, back and forth for hours. "Make hay while the sun shines" is no exaggeration. Farmers are out well after most of us are ready to settle in for the night.
Oh I do love the gardens in your post.
That cottage with the hollyhocks is just beautiful! *sigh*
Fun vacation! I'm glad. Such variety here. Racoons are rascals for sure, and they can find anything to eat, even when it's inconvenient for them. And they always wash their hands. Lol.
I've never seen anyone wear orange to garden. Hunt, yes, garden, no. And i love the pic of the acrobatic sheep! Who knew they are so limber?
Oh, JoAnn. Looks like a vacation of a lifetime. Love the photos, and the subjects, all so beautiful and good. Are those yellow flowers mallow (related to the hollyhock)not sure! We stayed at Fidalgo Bay with our motohome a few years back. Really forgot how beautiful it is around there. Want to go back now..Happy Weekend..Judy
So many fun sights to view here...I must say that cottage garden looks like something right out of a magazine!
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