I was going to tell you more about our vacation - that can wait. It was very warm here on Thursday - and when Don got home from work he asked if I wanted to go for a cooling ride in the country - and the answer is always yes! We were enjoying the newly mowed hay fields and pretty flowers in the gardens - when I spied a hawk - way across a field - I think he was looking for dinner among the rows of newly mowed hay.

He was so far away that he looked like a stick - but luckily I spotted him - and zoomed in to get a close shot.
He was looking all about - I'm sure he was wanting some dinner
We drove past that field - turned the corner - and LOOK - up on the top of a telephone pole (what will they call them when we no longer have telephone lines?)
Another Hawk!!
A Red Tailed Hawk - right there - posing for me
Well, more than likely he was also looking for dinner, but he was there for so long I prefer to think that he was posing. They usually fly off so quickly
A little scratch - caught that just right!
He seems to be checking his foot
Back to looking for dinner
It was almost 7 p.m. - not usually a time when we see hawks - and there were the two of them right near each other
He gave a call - and off he went. This is one of my favorites!!
That was a great series, JoAnn! You captured some interesting poses and details. I love the intent look in those large brown eyes. Maybe the two hawks were calling to each other! Such a nice thing to see on your drive. xoxo
Maybe they were out for a spin in the country too. Great pictures.
Beautiful photos! Love them all! And, yes, i believe the red tail is modeling for you. :). Perhaps he has an itchy talon? He has to keep those in excellent working order! :D
How exciting! Haying around here often brings out eagles, too. Raptors have a bonanza this time of year.
What lovely birds.
What a majestic creature! I've said this before, but you sure are always in the right place at the right time! Not only is your camera an excellent one, but you know how to use it too!
Great series of shots. Were you able to see it go after any food? That is always an amazing thing to watch.
To be far away the first ones came out pretty well but you couldn't have asked for a better background than that blue sky for the second hawk.
Really wonderful captures!
Magnificent images of this hawk in different poses. The last one calling is so dramatic.
Amazing captures! They are such a regal and impressive bird...these pics are just wonderful! :)
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