Mr. and Mrs. Mallard (they pronounce it mu LARD) live in our neighborhood during nesting season. They are seen walking up and down the street - flying overhead - and mucking about in the muddy sides of the street. Today it was raining as we came through and there they were - happy as ducks in a puddle.

And Mr. Mallard's pretty curl on his duck tail . . .

Jo Ann, I have missed you SOOOO much! Loved seeing your beautiful photographs as I took the chance to check out this blog. I'm used to the quilting blog, but this is equally wonderful.
I'm on Mr. Magpie's computer and am out to visit the sweet folks like you who came by. Thanks so much for your visit. This is awful not having my own computer, but hopefully that will change in the not too distant future.
Love to you, my friend...
Sheila :-)
Mr and Mrs Mallard bear an uncanny resemblance to Joe and Betty, two snowbirds that we've seen in a pond down in Las Vegas (now, that was weird!) and who settle in here every spring for a few weeks. 'Hey Betty - this here pond looks good. Three squares a day and they keep the dog on a leash.'
'Beautiful, Joe! There's a nice little log over the far end - just right for tucking under for an afternoon nap.'
I LOVE these pictures!! We have a Mallard couple that has taken up residence in the storm drainage creek behind our back fence. I've been trying to get some decent pictures, but nothing has come out yet. We have ducks waddling up and down the sidewalks and sleeping in the grass in the neighborhood every spring, but it's so fun to have them right here with us!
Great new blog Jo...the geese will sometimes rescue another goose type. Then when that goose lives as a Canada Goose, it will mate in due course. We had a white goose raised by the geese and for years we saw it flying with the geese, always seemed out of step with the rest of the Canada Geese, but one year, we saw her with her partner with geese with lots of white on them, and every so often we see the offspring in the bay. I personally think that Canada Geese are way over populated, and should be culled, but that is just me as they compete with our precious loons for fish etc.
Such pretty little mallards...loving that tail curl on the Mister. ~Lili
I really liked the Mallard photos. Such detail. I did not know the female had bright blue feathers.
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