I captured this eagle on an old piling fence along the bay at Birch Bay, WA. We had seen him swoop down and catch a fish as I was taking photos of Canada Geese nearby. We followed him in the car, as he flew down the edge of the bay and lit on this fence with his fish.
We pulled up and I was able to get this one shot of him before he decided to fly up to the top of a tree to feast on his fish. I'm happy with the one quick shot.

Click the icon to visit more fabulous fences.
Great grab shot! The eagle enhances the fence.
I'd be thrilled with this one shot!
Great capture and it didn't hurt that he landed on top of a lovely weathered fence. :)
How exciting!
Lucky you...nice shot!
Nice capture...thrilling to see it catch the fish I bet.
Fabulous capture!
What a great capture!
Magnificent bird.
Regards and best wishes
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