Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Barn Charm -

Driving through Eastern Washington we came upon this barn, with the wonderful sign painted on it. It reminds us of times past when many barns were painted with advertising signs - bringing the farmer a little extra income.

I'm linking to Barn Charm today. Stop by and see more wonderful barn photos.


Lesley said...

I am surmising that this has recently been repainted. It is definitely big enough to be seen for a long distance.

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hello Sweet Friend...
Oh my thank you for taking me along this evening. I love seeing this barn all painted. I remember passing them on the way to Grandma's house as a child. You could see them clear out to the highway, and some were funny pictures. I loved it as a child, and love seeing it now.

This looks pretty freshly painted. I am saying this farmer is one happy guy, a little extra income to get them through the rough times. I love it, and thank you for the Barn Charm tonight.

Many hugs and much love sweetie, Sherry

Saun said...

I agree with Lesley nice capture.

Bruce Clark said...

Great find and very well captured.

TexWisGirl said...

wow. the barn itself is a grand one with huge sloping roof, but then the advertisement makes it really stand out! nice!!!

Anonymous said...

I think I've passed by this one, but cannot remember where... love it!

EG CameraGirl said...

That's quite the billboard! :))

Elizabeth Edwards said...

this is new to me. i usually see "mail pouch"... this is a nice change. (:

Anonymous said...

It's a great barn, and the signs are interesting, but I love the barns so much more when they are clean instead of billboards.

Kathy said...

It looks like their ad has been refurbished lately! Hope they continue to do so.

Elaine said...

That will certainly get your attention!

Anonymous said...

There is a barn in Geyserville, CA. that has the same ad on it only in it's original and much faded condition. I guess Dr. Pierce made the rounds. I showed it on Barn Charm long ago and doubt I could find the post now. Neat to see.

Mari said...

This barn and sign are in great condition! I love the shape of it too.

Kim, USA said...

Wow that is cool!! Great that you took a photo of this barn, just great!

Red Barn

barbara l. hale said...

Great find!

Andy said...

When I looked at your photo I also got flash back to the past when these where common. Did you stop and buy any Snake Oil? :-)

Tanya Breese said...

that is one big ad! very nice!!

Jan n Jer said...

This really does stand out...the wording is so large, I can even see it without my glasses!!!!

Anonymous said...

Niiice! Never heard of Dr Pierce's tonic, but I'm sure it got the job done! =) Beautiful barn

Thanks so much for sharing w/ us at Barn Charm =)

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Very nice photo.

Regards and best wishes

Nani said...

I LOVE advertising barns! This one is great!

Keetha Broyles said...

I wonder if Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is still in use - - - or was it one of those faux elixers that traveling peddlers used to peddle???

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Good Morning Jo! What a BEAUTIFUL old barn and who ever painted the advertisement did a WONDERFUL job. We'll be heading up through eastern Washington on our way to visit my family in British Columbia this summer ...I'll be watching for some good barns to photograph! :) I hope the rest of your week is a good one!
Maura :)

genie said...

This one looks like it has a fresh coat of paint on the advertising. Nice barn in fine condition. I surely would hate to be the roofer having to replace the tin with a pitch like that. Scary. genie