Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Monday, October 19, 2015

Mosaic Monday

Fall is definitely here - we are getting more rain and more cooler days.

 The sheep are getting fluffy
 Shorebirds are pecking among the rocks
 Sparrows are hunting for a bite to eat

 The clouds are predicting rain
 Lunch at "Lizzy's" in Blaine, WA
And the storms are moving in.


eileeninmd said...

Hello JoAnn, lovely images and mosaics! I love all the sheep and goats. And the birds are always a favorite of mine. The sky images are lovely. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

The signs are there with the birds and looking at the skies. We had flurries on the weekend and there was no trouble in seeing snow clouds. We're back to a decent temperature of low 50s now but Saturday and Sunday were at freezing.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Oh, I enjoyed all these glimpses of wonder. The sheepies for sure, not to mention the shorebirds, and sparrows, and the storms rolling in. For a second, I thought you were playing with the letter "S" today, but found some non-s themes too.

Enjoyed my visit, JoAnn...

Julie Fukuda said...

I showed those sheep to Nikko and pointed out she needs to take a break from all the shedding and save up for winter.

Rowan said...

Lovely photos especially the ones of the shore birds. All the signs of autumn are visible here as well.

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Wonderful mosaics, some so happy and colourful, some fascinating and elegant!
Have a lovely week!

Lorrie said...

Yes, those stormy skies are hints of what's to come. I hear we're in for another warm winter. Sigh. I like a bit of snap to the air sometimes. Beautiful photos and mosaics of life in your area.

Rose said...

I like each and every collage...the sky shots are wonderful!

Kay said...

Don't quite know what it is but I never tire of seeing pretty clouds.

J said...

Each picture sets such an appropriate mood with the lighting. The 4th one has the prettiest shade of blue! And then we bounce into sunshine and smiles at lunch - and finally, gloomy and ominous to finish off the day!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Still beautiful Fall, but that last pic shows what's coming next! Loved the pine one table setting in the post above...perfect for the season.