Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Monday, October 5, 2015

Mosaic Monday

A visit to the Alaska State Ferry Terminal in Bellingham always brings something to photograph - besides the ferry.
 I heard a Kingfisher and looking around I found him sitting nearby - I was impressed with  the white on the wings

Then a Great Blue Heron flew right over our car - "wonk, wonk".  It landed on a lone piling nearby.
 They can get into a lot of different positions

 This is by far the best shot I've ever gotten of a Kingfisher - and he sat there quite a while.

And then we wave goodbye to the ferry as it leaves port and heads for Southeast Alaska.  It will reach Ketchikan in two days - the first stop.

Mosaics are made on - a free site


Elzie said...

So Lovely Pictures of the birds. The Kingfisher is Beautiful, but I can't say I like the Heron that much, haha.
Hope you have a great day over there.
Love Elzie

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Wonderful series of photos!
The Kingfisher is my favourite. He looks so cute!
Happy Mosaic Monday!

Debra She Who Seeks said...


CountryMum said...

Great pictures of the kingfisher and heron.

Donna said...

Oh I loved the mosaics and especially the kingfisher.

Lorrie said...

Those kingfishers are notoriously difficult to capture in a photo. It's my hope to one day take as fine a photo as you have done. Beautiful birds. There's always something to see by the shore.

Kay said...

Wonderful shots! Those kingfisher views are wonderful and the heron is none too shabby, either. These are very exciting.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Nice shots of these two birds...I love watching herons fish, and they surely are noisy when they are disturbed.

J said...

I always love your photos - that's a then I move on to how wonderful it must be to just flitter around all day, going from one fun activity to the next - watching people board the ferry and then going off to dive for fish for lunch...lucky birds!

Hootin Anni said...

Absolutely beautiful!!! I love your kingfisher photos. And the last image....bon voyage.

Pamela Gordon said...

Beautiful photos and mosaics of the kingfisher and heron! Have a lovely day!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

You did well to capture the kingfisher so we could observe the beauty of this bird. I find they don't stay put in one place for long when I often see them on the hydro wires.
Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

LOVE these mosaics (and the subjects).. tho I must admit to being a tad envious of the Kingfisher photos. We see them pretty often on both coasts) but I can never get a picture. They seem to sit quietly until I put my finger on the shutter, then they fly away making that kingfisher noise (which I swear is laughing at me).

the Terminal brought memories of our wonderful trip last summer ... from there all the way up to near Anchorage. Wish I could go again!!!

Amy at love made my home said...

So interesting, your kingfishers look totally different than ours! Still beautiful, just different! xx

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Oh those bird photos are exquisite. And I loved, loved your pumpkins in the old truck header.

A beautiful blog ... my first time visit ... enjoyed it very much!


Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

Great photos - seeing a Kingfisher in New Zealand is a sign of rain!
Huge ferry.
Interesting mosaics and thankyou for the source!

Powell River Books said...

I've always wanted to take a ferry north. I think I saw a Kingfisher at the cabin this summer, but it moved so fast I wasn't sure. - Margy