N is for?
This barred owl was out hunting at noon. This is not unusual for the Barred Owl - and they are less frightened by people than most owls.
Taking a Whale Watching tour in the San Juan Islands, just off the coast of NW Washington
Look Back
Is the goose looking to see if something is following?
Joy Is
Out and About
These bikes would be fun to ride around in the small town of Acme, WA. where they were displayed on a porch
An owl kite
This window and all its fancy elements is in the side of a cracked, old building - one really can't figure out why it is there - except maybe for decoration.
Our grandson, Jahn-Zyel is 13 now - and has wonderful hair.
Pigs in the front yard?
Something I Found
I found these vintage gardening tools at yard sales - and hung them on a rake that the handle had broken off of.
Whatever I Please
Lesser Yellow Leg Shorebird