Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Snow Day

The forecast for this weekend was sunshine on Saturday - chance of rain on Sunday - and here is what we got - not at all what they forecast - although after the snow started they quickly changed the forecast.
A heavy, wet snow 

Winter wonderland 
The little knob of snow on the right is the rain gauge - must be full 
The top of the umbrella stand - for some reason I want an ice cream cone.

Gnomes - under there someplace 

Bird feeder with a new hat 

This is a garden sculpture - a glow in the dark ball with butterfly 
 Snow certainly changes the landscape - a forest full of green and white beauty.

"They" say this will be gone by Monday afternoon - but "they" also said it would be partly sunny this weekend. 
I'm certain the grandsons are happy with the snow.  We are hunkered down - lots of books to read - crocheting to do - banana bread for snacks and stew for dinner - who could ask for anything more.


Small City Scenes said...

Well JoAnn I guess you did get a good bit of snow. None here but the hill behind us is white and I imagine soon it will be here too. Stay warm. MB

Nonnie said...

wet and heavy snows have been the hardest ones for me to shovel. if I controlled the weather, we'd have only the light fluffy kind of snow! in spite of hating to drive in snow, I do love deciduous trees decorated with snow. your images of those kind are so stunning!

Kay said...

You got quite a bit, didn't you? Looks lovely! Enjoy hunkering down! We had rain forecast yesterday and had light snow for about an hour - nothing stuck - then it returned to rain. Snow had been forecast for today but we're back to rain again. There may be snow at higher elevations (we're at about 50 ft.). We'll find out later when we head to the hills to board our dog for a few days. Hope we can get there!

Poppy said...

Hi JoAnn,

So fun to look at, and play around in for a bit, but when it comes to clearing it for practical purposes, the drama sets in! Your snowy day is beautiful. The bird feeders look like they've been topped with giant servings of whipped cream!;))

Visiting via Mary's,

Have a lovely week!


J said...

Kind of hard for me to get excited about these pictures since I've been looking at scenes like this non-stop since early December! But they are pretty - the bluish cast that snow adds is so calming.

Marigene said...

Great photos, niece out your way was complaining about getting snow! That heavy stuff is the worst. We are back to looking at brown, ours has all melted. I am waiting for something green in my yard! I did notice some wheat coming up on the way to the grocery today, though.

A Garden of Threads said...

Best way to spend a snowy weekend.

Julie Fukuda said...

Why is it that snow always looks better when it belongs to someone else?

eileeninmd said...

Lovely winter snowy scenes. My favorites will always be the snow covered pine trees. Wishing you a happy week ahead!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

They never get our forecast right either! :)

greenthumb said...

Just looks wonderful to me.

Carletta said...

That looks like what we got a couple of weeks ago that only all melted last week.
That ball with the butterfly I thought was a poodle in the first shot of it. LOL
Here's to better forecasts.....

Lorrie said...

Our scene is snowy, too, but you definitely have more. The south island was spared really big amounts. It is pretty though. We went for a walk in it yesterday and enjoyed the transformed view of the city.
Stay warm and cozy.

HickChickBritt said...

I love looking at your pictures! I am a Whatcom countyer also. I just found your blog from small city scenes Stanwood. I grew up and my parents still live on the South side of Bellingham, My husband and I live out in Sumas. We hardly have any snow right now. The Northeaster is just howling so it must be depositing all of our snow in Bellingham. Haha the kids are not to happy about that.

Mary said...

Well Bellingham, you surprised me - quite a snowfall and, as you said, the very wet type. The sculptures in your garden are delightful though - everything took on a new look.
Enjoy while you can, along with banana bread - it won't last long I'm sure.

Hugs - Mary

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Sounds like a perfect time to me, JoAnn. Nothing as beautiful as right after that first snow fall when no one has walked in it and the stillness. Just love it. Have fun..Judy

Small City Scenes said...

Well I see you survived the snow and 21 hrs without power. Egad! The computer survived too---good. MB

Lili said...

Sounds like you have all the necessary staples for hunker down type of weather. I just made banana bread here too! Pretty heavy deep and wet snow you had there.