Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Progress on my tablecloth

I've been crocheting on this tablecloth for a while now - since early last spring, I think.  I found a bad mistake and had to rip out over a foot all around - you can click the link above and see the sad report of ripping out the crocheting - and I've almost crocheted all that thread again - and here is the progress report.
It is finally a little bigger than the table - barely - and still lying flat - my main goal!!
I love this pattern 
About 12 inches more to go - each round is now taking me almost 2 hours, if I sit and crochet constantly.  Each repeat of the design is about 2 1/2 inches - so there is still a lot to go - but I'm happy with the progress.


Peggy said...

Beautiful Jo! I did one of those once, then discovered how much faster quilting is LOL!

J said...

That is so beautiful! A real heirloom piece! I can't appreciate the work since I've never crocheted a thing, but the results are so worth your effort! I can see this looking elegant at Christmas - and then again at Easter. You've got to be so proud of yourself, and glad you took the time to fix the error!

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Good job, JoAnn. It is really coming along. Will be gorgeous on your table. We are finally back from vacation and glad to be home and back in touch..Happy Weekend..Judy

Kay said...

Good for you! It's looking very nice. I remember that sad stitch-ripping time.

Jeanne said...

That is going to be a precious possession when you finish. I once had a friend that had a crochet bedspread like that. Can you imagine how long that took?? You doing a really nice jog on that.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Wow! This is just amazing! Great job!



Small City Scenes said...

That is beautiful. Is it calle Pineapple or something like that?

The photo of the church and Baker was taken from Mann Rd. It is hard to believe that the mountain is behind the church. MB

Lorrie said...

You are creating a work of art - an heirloom. It's gorgeous. I have a round doily in the pineapple pattern that looks very similar.

Julie Fukuda said...

Long ago I figured out that if I wanted a lace tablecloth, I would have to make it myself. I made a round one for my table, then one to use with one leaf added, then another for the fully extended table. Now my house is too small to use the larger ones but I have added two round quilted tablecloths. I am better at fixing knitted mistakes by just dropping the stitches in the problem spot. Crochet there is nothing to do but rip it all out!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Well done JoAnn - you will get a real sense of satisfaction when you finish it.

GardenOfDaisies said...

WOW!!! It's looking really wonderful!!!