The only two things that I've found that deer won't eat, are daffodils and foxgloves - we grow lots of foxgloves. Someone said the deer won't eat anything planted by foxgloves - but they sure nibble my hydrangea - planted right in the middle of foxglove forest.
Lunch! Thanks!
We've had as many at 8 in our own yard - I always run for the camera when they come around - such pretty animals and very patient to pose for us.
Saturday's Critters
Saturday's Critters
I have mixed feelings here JoAnn - I can see how you would wish to keep the deer out but how lovely to have them so near to your house.
They can be pretty destructive but oh so nice to see!
The novelty of seeing them wears off quickly! We have fenced about 1.5 acres and can finally garden. Contrary to popular belief, the deer here aren't native to the island. There are no natural predators and there is no hunting, so the population explosion is daunting. Good luck with the plantings! I have found that deer will eat absolutely anything at all, except Foxgloves.
It's like an all-you-can-eat buffet!
Love your photos of the deer! I just love it when our muleys visit. I just plant to share! LOL!
I love the deer, they are so pretty. I am sorry about your plants, but I would be happy to see them in my yard. Great shots, thank you for linking up to Saturday's Critters. Have a happy Sunday and week ahead!
They are beautiful animals, but I'm sorry about your garden.
I think the deer will eat most anything. We have a huge garden and while we are willing to share a bit they want it all. they even ate hot peppers last summer. They love the apple trees. We always leave lots of apples for them. Of course they love Roses. Yipes. They are beautiful animals though. MB
Beautiful deers but the destruction.... I lost so many trees, even with protection, some are really candies for them and they do everything to get it.
I remember my dad wrapping young trees in chicken wire to save them from deer. I miss nature all around. No deer in Tokyo!
We live across the street from acres of natural habitat but the deer have gourmet taste and head to our side for anything different to nibble on. I have some wild tulips - short and less colorful than cultivars - and they've left those alone. They've left a neighbor's Asiatic poppies alone and my patch of wildflowers. I've planted more poppies this year and hope those don't suit them.
And I thought Woodrats were a problem! - Margy
Be careful my elk sent me a bill for their photo shoot the other day!
But they are so pretty. We have a rabbit problem.
Oh yes, beautiful diners they are! How exciting to see them so close - beautiful photos! xo
I think I must be lucky, The dear have only eaten my tulips in the back. Most of the time the tulips will bloom even with all of the tips chewed off of their leaves. I think there is a tastier yard down the block for them to dime on. My daffodils have not been hurt at all in the ten years we have been here. Maybe I just don't have anything other than the tulips in my yard that they want.
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