It is nearing the end of hydrangea season in NW Washington State. They grow well - and big - here and many homes and gardens feature wonderful displays.

There are several varieties - this is the Angel Wing Hydrangea - a gift from our daughter's family last year. Do you see the "wings" on the outer edge of the bloom? I love the light and medium colors of the flowers. They start out green and slowly turn to this lovely pink
These cone-shaped hydrangeas are gaining popularity - and I can see why- the huge blossoms are spectacular.
And the Lace Cap Hydrangea - with a halo of larger outer flowers.
Big dispays in yards - notice the hedges of Hydrangeas in the background also.
I love their big moppy heads
A delicate blue Angel Wing
Lace Cap in blue
Lovely purple
This was the first cone shaped one I ever saw - it was in the garden of a new friend in Bow, Washington.
Different colors on the same bush
Parks and public spaces often plant hydrangeas
Wow, so many pretty colors and blooms. The hydrangeas are gorgeous. Lovely photos! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!
Hydrangeas galore!
Wow! Lessons in the many types and colors of hydrangeas...each so stunning! Happy Monday!
My favorite shrub of all! Mine are (were) all blue but sadly have now been fried to brown by the high temps. Heat index is 110 today, unbearable outside. Luckily I cut some earlier when they turned a lovely greenish shade, and have dried them for Winter displays.
Are yours still as beautiful as in these lovely pix JoAnn? Oh shoot - as I've said before I need to move to Washington State. . . . . . . for so many reasons!!!
Mary x
Just love this post, so colourful ... perfect.
Your Hydrangeas look stunning.
All the best Jan
They are every shade of pastel color, aren't they? Hydrangeas are my favorite flower and I don't have any here. Thanks for the joy of seeing so many in your post! Sweet hugs, Diane
I love, love ,love hydrangeas! They are so easy to grow and look so wonderful. And they make great cut flowers in the house, plus dry well for autumn and winter. Gorgeous photos of lots of varieties.
My favourite flowering shrub and I have most varieties except the angel wing which I'll have to look for. I would love to have a purple flowering hydrangea.
We have a great variety here in Japan too but they are pretty well finished by now. I like the change of color some varieties go through. I have only seen those cone shaped ones in white, so the pink was a surprise. We have lots of those lace ones with the male flowers framing the head and even some climbing varieties.
Such stunning blooms, I love them all. I've never seen an angels wing hydrangea in real life. I have several standard mop heads in my garden pink, white & a bluey pink one which can't make up it's mind what colour it wants to be!
Thanks for sharing your lovely mosaics with us this week on Mosaic Monday.
These are so puffy with lovely pastel colors :) Thank you for linking in with "Through My Lens"
Mersad Donko Photography
Very pretty! Hydrangeas are some of my favorite plants.
The lace cap, especially the blue one, is really unique. - Margy
Hydrangeas are an absolute favorite or mine. I have one that I am nurturing that I planted this summer. I hope it makes the winter. Do you have an secrets for growing them? If so, please let me know. Gorgeous photos.
Lynette Jensen, a quilting designer and author, dries her hydrangea plants for use year round. My one attempt to grow a bush ended in disaster. I didn't think "full sun" applied to my efforts!
WOW love all the varieties and colors. I've never seen the cone shaped ones. Those are gorgeous.
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