As I was sitting at my desk I looked up when a movement caught my eye - I reached for my camera - there was the little hummingbird again. This time I got some good shots of him. He was very busy flitting about.

While on vacation in Wisconsin for Don's 50th class reunion we visited some favorite spots of his from his childhood. One was Kashena falls. As we watched the falls we saw a heron land off in the distance. I got a couple shots off before he flew on - this is the best one.
I'm linking to Weekly Top Shot - with Madge, thanks Madge for doing this.
When last we visited with Mrs. BrownDirt, she was at a lodge, enjoying herself on vacation. That same vacation she had a few other adventures. Let's check in and see what she was up to on her vacation to Plain, WA.
In the last post we watched the Sandhill Cranes in hay fields, and then they lined up and started walking - look where they went.
They started across the road . . .
Follow the leader . . .
Very neighborly . . .
They decided to pay a visit to the farmer who so graciously cut his hay so they could find something yummy to eat. We didn't follow them into the farmer's yard.
We just got back from Wisconsin, where we had a nice visit with Don's cousins and their families in Waukesha, and went to Northern Wisconsin for Don's 50th class reunion.
The first day there, on the way to breakfast with cousin Bob, we spotted a Sandhill Crane in a small park along the Fox River, right in town. Everyone assured us that the cranes were everywhere, but just in case, I had to stop and get some pictures. This was the first Sandhill Crane that I have seen up close - such excitement.
Then when we were in Northern Wisconsin we saw a lot more Sandhill Cranes. Mostly they were in fields of hay that had been recently cut - looking for food. They would sometimes be close, and sometimes far, but with my 140x zoom on my camera I got some great shots. It was so exciting to listen to them and watch as they walked about, finding tasty tidbits in the hay. Those birds can move fast, with those long legs. I often had to focus the camera ahead of them to catch them as they moved forward.
This is the only picture I got of them flying - their wingspan can reach up to 6.9 feet.
Their beaks are so big they look like swords. I was told that they are vicious and will attack if you get too close - we stayed a good distance away.