Are We Walking to Alaska

Are We Walking to Alaska
Are We Walking to Alaska - A True Story

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Little Things Thursday - Grandsons

Grandsons are such fun - always something new and interesting going on with them.
 Ben - this is the summer he learned to mow the lawn.
 And the summer he got a dog.  Daisy is a Beagle/Poodle mix and as sweet a dog as you could ever hope to meet.  Ben is 9 3/4 and is starting 4th grade.

.Jahn-Zyel moved to a farm this summer - here he is gathering thistles for his goat and his sheep. 
And he loves his chickens - and they love him.   Jahn just turned 13 and is Junior High now.
Donnie lives in West Virginia so we don't see him as often - but they send lots of photos.  In this one he has just come home from preschool where he "drawed his arms and legs" - with a magic marker, under the covers while "taking a nap" 
Add some dirt clumps to the water in the wheelbarrow after a storm and then fling it all about - good fun for little boys.


The Quintessential Magpie said...

They are all adorable! xo

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Boys, animals and mud -- good times!

J said...

I laughed out loud at the arms and legs that were "drawed" on! How cute can you get? He looks so proud of himself!
Your grandsons are so handsome and have such a good, stable family environment to grow up in. I can just sense the tremendous pride coming right out of your post! Take a bow, grandma!
And I love Ben's dog. It must have been an adoption - for which I heartily applaud the wise parents!

Marigene said...

You have some handsome grandsons, JoAnn! Enjoy them, they grow up so darned fast. Love the magic marker art!
Have a great weekend.

joy said...

Grandchildren are wonderful, aren't they? Enjoy them as much as you can x x x

Lynda (Granny K) said...

What a wonderful childhood they will have to remember. I grew up in the country and was always having to have my legs/knees scrubbed till they hurt! You must be so proud of them.

Candy S said...

Your grandsons are indeed handsome youngsters. Donnie looks so pleased with his artistic endeavors. I can see Ben and Daisey having many years of adventures together. And Jahn-Zyel is the picture of a boy growing up and loving every minute of it. Have a wonderful weekend JoAnn.

*kd. said...

What a great post!

Peggy said...

What a lovely set of grand-sons! So much fun for you!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Little things but important things JoAnn.

Kay said...

Great fun to see your grandsons again. The photos caught so much personality with each of them. And it looks like Donnie had a great time with his art project. I wonder how long he wore that.

Kim Cunningham said...

Great training for their lives. I know my hubby looks forward to the days when our boys can do the lawn.