
Friday, May 4, 2018

A Stormy Day

Birch Bay is a shallow bay, sheltered by islands, and rarely has even much of a ripple on the water.  This trip up there a storm was moving in from the west and the waves were breaking on the beach.  A couple of seagulls were enjoying the weather.

 The wind was so strong that they had to lean into it to stay up on the rocks.


  1. Wonderful photos!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. I often wonder how birds are not buffeted this way and that way by winds. Gorgeous photos, lovely JoAnn. Love the beautiful barn and the tulips in your header.

  3. That new header! And I loved the shots of the gulls! Hope you have a beautiful week!

  4. Kind of like our waterfront. With no wind it is as calm as a lake. But in a storm it can get metre high waves or more, especially out in the middle. - Margy

  5. I like when they get paired up for photo shoots! heehee! Beautiful! Enjoy your weekend girlfriend! Hugs, Diane

  6. I've never been to Birch Bay, but my parents go frequently. It looks like a pretty place. Those birds are holding well for their photo shoot.

  7. So clever to lean into the wind, and to look so good while doing it! Not a feather out of place! Enjoy the rest of your weekend - I am glad to be home again and catching up with my blogging buddies!

  8. I guess those webbed feet keep them stable while the winds blow. They're probably used to taking a battering from the elements.

  9. Such a contrast to our week end over here JoAnn, where the weather has been record breakingly hot (it is set to cool down tomorrow).

  10. I love watching the gulls in the morning when I walk down to the beach. I know that some people call them scavengers, but I like them, and their cries!

  11. Hello, JoAnn

    I am sorry to late commenting. I just got home from our road trip and I am now trying to catch up on my commenting. I enjoy your gull photos. The visit to the bay sounds nice Great captures. Thanks so much for linking up your post. Have a happy day and weekend ahead.


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