
Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Tulip Fields

It is time for tulips in NW Washington State - millions of them are grown for market every year - some for cut flowers - most for bulbs.  So the viewing time is short - a few weeks ago there were no blooms - and this past week we drove down to see them and some of the fields had already been dead-headed, so the bulbs can grow strong and healthy for sales next year.  By this coming weekend I'm sure a lot more will be gone.
 Fields of every color you can imagine.
 The light was perfect, almost sunset, the evening we drove through the tulip fields
 Blankets of color
 Every year we see fields with yellow tulips with a few red ones.  These seem to be the only colors that we find mixed.  They don't plant tulips in the same fields two years in a row, so the red ones are not leftovers.  Not sure why it is just the yellow tulip fields that have stray ones here and there.

 So many shades of color!

 A tulip field in full bloom
 And after the flowers have been cut off and dropped into the pathways
And that day there was a lovely daytime moon.  The sky was so blue.  This was taken from our deck, Nikon COOLPIX P600 camera - with a tripod.


  1. As we were driving north from Seattle we passed through the Skagit Valley and saw a sign that said, "traffic event." Must have been a warning about all the tulip traffic. - Margy

  2. fields of tulips blooming are truly amazing and such a dazzle of colour. I've only encountered it once, in the north of Tasmania (the island state off the south coast of Australia). I couldn't hardly believe the colour! Have a great week. I am joining you at Mosaic Monday.

  3. It must be an amazing sight to see those huge fields of tulips. I’m reminded of Holland. Didn’t realise you can see the same thing in Washington. Beautiful. B x

  4. Wonderful. I would so like to see that! The penultimate picture is rather sad but at least that gives the bulbs extra strength. Your picture of the moon is out of this world!!

  5. Oh, those fields of Tulips are amazing. The daytime moon is beautiful. Fabulous photos captured with your Nikon camera.

  6. Beautiful colour as far as the eye can see, isn't it a shame though that the gorgeous flowers have to be discarded like that. Thanks for getting Mosaic Monday off to such a vibrant start, btw the moon shot is incredible!

  7. How absolutely beautiful those tulip fields are! The tulips last so long on this coast. They are a real treat. I love your header!

  8. Wonder colours this Monday. Thank you for this splurge

    Have a good week


  9. That really is impossible to imagine! I'm so glad you take photos to share. AMAZING...just GORGEOUS! Your weather is just perfect for these beauties! Enjoy your afternoon. It's warm and dry here! Hugs, Diane

  10. We live so close to those tulip fields and yet have never taken a trip down to see them. Those vast sweeps of colour are gorgeous. And that moon shot is a real winner.

  11. JoAnn, I would probably cry from pure joy seeing all those tulips. So pretty !!! Great shot of the day moon. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  12. I would love to see this in person. It's hard to imagine so many tulips in one place. It must smell heavenly!

  13. Oh, my! The tulip fields are incredible. I would love to experience this in person, but appreciate seeing your wonderful photos. Thank you!

  14. I have given up on tulips. The five bulbs I planted were victims of the plant vandal. This year only two came up and neither bloomed. Now I have to get my tulip-fix on your blog.

  15. You had perfect timing for this incredible sight JoAnn! So beautiful. We visited a tulip farm in Oregon once on the one day a year they opened the fields for picking, just before they deadheaded. I think it was with a group tour, you probably had to have a reservation , so that they didn’t get overrun. Long time ago ...I haven’t even seen ONE tulip growing for years now. (Florida is different.). Thanks for the beautiful pictures and the memories!

  16. Absolutely stunning!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  17. I love those tulip fields! We were going to either visit the Skagit or go to Butchart Gardens earlier this month. We both had colds and the weather was poor so we did neither. A friend went to the Skagit last week and it sounds like it was perfect. Sorry to miss the spectacle.

  18. Oh to live near by to see such majestic beauty on mass - WOW

  19. JoAnn, Thanks for sharing those wonderful tulip photos. Amazing. I love the red in the yellow. Have a great week. Sylvia D.

  20. WOW. They are so pretty and a lot of them.


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