
Saturday, May 12, 2018

Favorite Mosaics

Today I thought I'd show you some of my favorite mosaics - here we go.

 Stellar's Jays, on our deck.

 Anna's Hummingbird
 Washington State Ferry, by day and by night -  during our vacation two years ago on Lopez Island.

 Abundant apple trees last year at Hovander Park near Ferndale, Washington
Great Blue Herons 

Mt. Baker and two barns 
 Herons, Pelicans, Goldfinches and Greater Yellowlegs shorebirds.
 Vacation cottage on Samish Island and abundant wisteria blossoms!

 A Bald Eagle in Birch Bay
 Summer time fun!  Birds, boats, trees and new crocheted dresses for my dolls.
 Spider webs on a foggy morning on Lopez Island
Vetch growing along fences beside country roads


  1. Lovely--so many beautiful photos!

  2. Gorgeous photos and I like seeing the Hummingbirds and the Stellar Jays.

  3. JoAnn - you love making it tough on us, don't you? How could one possibly choose a favorite (or even two) from this unparalleled collection? I must say the vacation cottage and the wisteria really caught my eye … I have a real soft spot for wisteria!!! Have a wonderful week ahead!!!

  4. Hello, your mosaics are all beautiful. I love all the birds and the flowers.
    Lovely captures. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

  5. So many gorgeous mosaics to be seen here, JoAnn. Loved seeing your dolls....haven't seen them for a while.


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