
Saturday, February 24, 2018

Different Barns

On a recent jaunt to Marysville, WA we passed this fun barn.  Since it was winter we didn't investigate but I'll bet in Autumn there is a lot of fun to be had here.

 The we saw this barn with something on the front of it
Well, what do you know - a school of salmon swimming upstream.


  1. Salmon! - That is the most interesting barn decoration that I have seen in a long while!
    And I think the Pumpkin Farm would be a lot of fun
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. ...a pumpkin and a fish barn, nut ow that really is different! Pumpkins I may see here, but fish NO. Thanks JoAnn for sharing, please stop back when you can.

  3. Well I do declare, salmon 'swimming' on a barn, how fun. Love that pumpkin barn. I always love to see 'your' barns, lovely JoAnn.

  4. Chuckled at the salmon observation.

  5. The salmon are kind of funny! A new one for me!

  6. Oh, how I love a pumpkin farm! Looks like somewhere to return to in the fall!

  7. How unusual a sighting! Not the regular quilt type decor I was expecting.


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!