
Monday, October 3, 2016

More Lopez Island Vacation

Return to Lopez Island with me - off the coast of NW Washington State, to our anniversary and birthday celebration get-away.

There were plenty of birds on the island - let's visit some.
Hairy Woodpecker - busy at an apple tree 
 Another bird with red on its head.  The Vulture has no feathers on its head so as to not get messy while scavenging, it does has beautiful feathers.

 With all the pictures I have taken of Bald Eagles  I have never seen one drying its wings before  This was an early foggy morning.
 The Bald Eagle would perch across the small inlet in front of our cabin every morning.
 Great Blue Herons were plentiful - and beautiful.
 Every evening a Mourning Dove would fly up into the tree in front of our cottage and call to other doves in the area.  He had a deep raspy voice.  The evening sunlight was a terrific highlight.
 The Hair Woodpecker flew off to another apple tree to search for lunch.
The channel behind the cottage was a great spot for shore birds.  We watched this Killdeer skitter around the beach and in the shallow edges of the water.


  1. Hello, wonderful variety of birds. I love the eagle!

    Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. What a wonderful birding spot. Just told Bill I didn't know about Lopez Island. (I always think I know everything about Washington State, but I am way too often proven wrong).

  3. I always enjoy your unique bird shots, but that woodpecker in the apple tree is a real feast for the eyes in terms of texture and contrast!
    You always seem to be in the right place at the right time - the bald eagle wing-drying event is probably something many biologists have never observed!

  4. I like that little bird hanging on to the apple tree...what a cute pose! And of course the eagle photos are wonderful! You must have loved spending time there! Sweet sweet hugs, Diane

  5. Wonderful mosaics from the Lopez Island!

  6. You have great bird photography. Especially like your photos of the vulture and the eagle. How lucky to get to see an eagle every morning. I only get to see them in the spring when the migrate north with the geese.

  7. Great bird shots...especially the vulture. Once in awhile if we are on a back road we come upon a few scavenging a deer or coyote carcass.

  8. Great bird poctures! Lots of Vultures here, but very few Eagles.

  9. Wonderful bird captures, JoAnn, I've never seen a vulture that close up before!
    Thanks for sharing your vacation neighbours (!) with us at Mosaic Monday.

  10. Are you sure your stay wasn't in the Garden of Eden? What a wonderful assortment of birds you saw!

  11. Really beautiful photos! Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  12. Wow that was an amazing place to stay. The pictures of the turkey vulture and bald eagle are amazing!

  13. I've never thought about why vultures have a featherless head, but that makes perfect sense. - Margy


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