
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday's Treasures

I'm enjoying my newly painted china cabinet so much - I decided to hurry autumn along and display the autumn colors.
Filled with lovely serving pieces collected over the years
 Vintage Wild Fowl glasses - an anniversary gift from Don this year - sunflower soup bowls for warm autumn soups
 Turkey plates and bowls - I found these last year just after Thanksgiving in a thrift shop - I knew they wouldn't be there long so scooped them up and saved them until this year.
 Autumn leaf plates - and an autumn leaf bowl filled with decorative acorns
 Cabbage soup tureen

 Leaf bowls - found at the same store as the china cabinet

 Mini pumpkin tureens
 Great for baking a pumpkin custard - or for soups
We will certainly have a lot of soups this autumn 

 Pumpkin pitcher and bee hive cracker jar
Ceramic turkey I made in ceramics class years ago in California
Yellow pitcher and cream and sugar were found in a thrift store in Chilliwack, British Columbia on vacation this year.

Have you found any lovely autumn dishes this year - and do you have a favorite that you use over and over?


  1. I love Autumn colors and even though this isn't our favorite season, it's a beautiful time to decorate. Love that big turkey in the center. I don't really have a favorite item...just put together stuff I've bought in recent years. Enjoy your afternoon sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

  2. Hello, your china closet is pretty. Lovely display for your Autumn dishes. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  3. JoAnn you look so autumnal, if I do some decorating for Christmas I'm lucky. Your home must be filled with treasures, thanks for sharing some of them. Have a wonderful week and please stop back again soon.

  4. Very pretty! You have some lovely pieces. I really like the beehive and the leaf plates! xx

  5. Your hutch is gorgeous and I think I had the very same hutch at one time. I gave it to my oldest daughter. I would like it back but have no room for it now.
    Love all your autumny dishes and accessories.

  6. JoAnn, you have the best autumn collection of pretties I have seen. Love all of it but the turkey plates are so special, have never seen any like them and the turkey you made is gorgeous. I never did make a turkey when I was doing ceramics. Duh! Your hutch looks so wonderful, cheery and colorful with all the bright pretty colors against the white. Soup weather, what a wonderful thought. I can't wait and I need to go thrifting soon to see if I could find some soup tureens. Love the individual settings..Happy week, my friend..Judy

  7. Hi JoAnn, I don't know what I did but I wrote you a comment and then it didn't look right to me after I thought I had published it so I waited awhile in case it did post, but I still don't see it so I will try again. I love all your fall collections in your beautiful white hutch. It turned out so well. I love that turkey you made and don't know why I never made one when I was doing ceramics! Those turkey dishes are really special. I have never seen any like them. It all looks so pretty, colorful, and warm and you did a great job. I need to go thrifting to find some of those pumpkin tureens. I love that it is starting to feel like soup weather..Have a wonderful week..Judy

  8. I am really enjoying seasonal views of your cupboard! White really makes each item pop! I have a set of individual pumpkin tureens. I mostly use them for Thanksgiving, but Halloween is perfect, too. I also have a turkey tureen. It's a little larger than yours, I think, but it has the same cute personality!

  9. I was just telling my daughter about your beautiful blue pieces and already your fall pieces have flown in.
    Look'n great!

  10. These are wonderful - all of them - but I have to say that the beehive is my favorite. I'm not a collector so I can't say I have any favorites. My day-to-day things just get used over and over again. We should be tired of them but they have new food on them every time they come out so it's not that bad. ;-)

  11. What a great collection for fall. Where do you store all of your things in the off season. I've been trying to downsize both at the cabin and here in town. Each time I go to the thrift store I take a donation. At least that helps me level things out. Right now books are my largest purchase. - Margy

  12. Your fall collection really shines in your newly painted hutch...they look fantastic, JoAnn. I love the mini pumpkin tureens.

  13. You made that ceramic turkey? Wow, amazing work! It looks great!

  14. What a pleasure it must be for you to decorate your lovely white hutch with your colorful fall ceramic pieces. I love the Turkey tureen and the pretty brown turkey plates. Of course the pumpkin bowls are lovely as well as all of the other pieces. Have a wonderful weekend..... Hugs, Candy


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