
Monday, September 26, 2016

Lopez Island Get-Away

The San Juan Islands lay off the NW coast of Washington State.
The name "San Juan" was given to the islands by the Spanish explorer Francisco de Eliza, who charted the islands in 1791
 Map and Island photo from Island County Tourism
 The Islands are a quieter way of life - slow and peaceful. They are the destination for day trippers and vacationers - as well of locals from the mainland who want a quiet get-away, but near home.  Yes - Mt. Baker in the background, and ferry in the foreground center

The get-away to Lopez Island was to celebrate Don's September birthday - and our 52nd Anniversary the end of September.
Top - landing at Lopez Island - when our ferry arrived there was another at the dock so we waited in line for our turn to disembark.
Bottom - Washington State Ferry at night - passing our cottage
 Four of the main islands are served by the Washington State Ferry Service and those four have the largest populations - the smaller islands can be accessed by water taxi, private boat or float plane.
The Canadian border runs to the west (left) of the San Juan Islands
 Several tables in the passenger section of the ferries have jigsaw puzzles for passengers to work on.  If the weather is foggy I would work on a puzzle - but with sunny weather there is so much to see,  I'd rather take in the views.
Such as passing other ferries on the way to the islands
After we got settled in our cottage we were off to enjoy a ride around the island
 This is the view from the patio of our cabin - boats passing all day
And vultures floating on the air currents - looking for "clean up work"
There are lovely beaches on the island - this is one beach where we picnicked 
 Fabulous Great Blue Herons
Hairy Woodpeckers in apple trees
 Fabulous clouds and skies - from our patio on Lopez Island
Boaters having fun in all sorts of crafts
And breath taking sunsets every night.

Another visit soon to explore more of the island.


  1. What a wonderful place to go to to celebrate your wedding anniversary, congratulations by the way. The skies, the scenery, the wild life all amazing. I actually know someone who resides in Point Roberts but I never really knew where that was until now.
    Thanks for taking me along with you today and for joining us for Mosaic Monday, have a great week.

  2. This was a vacation you'll always remember! What beautiful sights you saw and great photos. Looks like the weather was perfect too! Enjoy your week sweet friend. I have a book review I think you'll like for tomorrow! Hugs, Diane

  3. Happy Anniversary!! What a great place to go and celebrate, it really is beautiful isn't it! xx

  4. Hello, it looks like a great getaway for your Anniversary. I love the scenic coastline of Washington state. Wonderful birds and great collection of photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  5. Happiness to both of you. Lopez is a wonderful place to go and enjoy. Love all your shots.

  6. What a wonderful getaway for your husband's birthday and your anniversary celebrations. Such beautiful birds and water. The Washington State ferries come to Vancouver Island, too, to Sidney, just a wee bit north of Victoria. The San Juan Islands are so scenic. Great photos.

  7. Wow! This looks wonderful. I'm envious! I haven't been to the San Juans in years and I've wanted to go back.

  8. great place to celebrate the birthday of your loving relationship .photos are mesmerizing

  9. Wow what a wonderful location for a holiday. Have a restful and inspirational break.

  10. What a paradise! - but so accessible to your home! Your photos are terrific - the birds and beach, especially. I love the rich textures from the beach shot (where you had your picnic lunch!)

  11. Hi JoAnn. What a beautiful spot to visit. I enjoyed your photos and information on this great area. I would certainly enjoy it there as I love the ocean and beaches etc. I hope you have a lovely week.

  12. Love the brilliant colour in the first shot. The map really shows how many islands there are in both BC and Washington. - Margy

  13. What a great trip! I know from blogging that the coastal scenery is similar to New Zealand, but I had no idea your part of the world was this lovely.


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