
Friday, September 2, 2016

Five on Friday

Friday again - the start of a long weekend for those of us in the US.  Labor Day - a time to celebrate all the hard workers in our country - and a time to think about the end of summer - the beginning of school (though here in Bellingham school started a couple weeks ago) - and a time to gather with friends and family for perhaps one more barbecue or picnic.  Here are some reminders of this summer.
 The new fawns came to visit in the woods across the street from our house
 Someone is having way too much fun with the Tsunami signs on Lummi Island
 Did you ever see a Bald Eagle turn its head completely around?  Maybe it wants to be an owl.
 I love creative signs - the shop was closed when we drove by so we didn't get to go inside.
A peaceful view on Lummi Island
It has been a great summer!


  1. Beautiful post. Fawns and eagles -- lucky you! Maybe you'll catch The Silly Goose open the next time you pass by. It looks like your summer was great. Have a wonderful week!

  2. Love the eagle picture We see them from time to time and it's always a thrill.

  3. It's been fun to get out and photograph nature this summer, hasn't it? I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend! Sweet hugs, Diane

  4. The fauna at your place are amazing. I wonder what The Silly Goose has to offer?? Lovely Summer photos, JoAnn. Have a lovely long weekend.

  5. Beautiful photos of late summer! It went away in a bit of a hurry, didn't it?

  6. I love those pictures with all the natural beauty but I wonder what kind of shop a Silly Goose might be running.

  7. Noticed Bellingham isn't too far from Abbotsford, and we're certainly interested in visiting some things you've featured on your blog, like the Tulip Festival. Maybe our paths will cross some day?

  8. What a magical place to live. I hope the Tsunamis never happen!

  9. Great photos especially the Bald Eagle. Have a great weekend.

  10. Nice scenes. Who added that to the sign. Looks like the county did--haha--they don't have that much of a sense of humor. Love the views from the Lummi area.

  11. What an awesome summer tribute post! Loved each shot.

  12. Stunning photos! The fawn is incredibly gorgeous! Have a wonderful weekend xx

  13. Lovely moments from your summer! Thank you for joining in, have a great weekend! xx

  14. Such a beautiful setting and wonderful wildlife pictures. We've recently had some deer in our area; maybe because of the drought. I hope you are having a wonderful holiday weekend! Pat :)

  15. We watched the first USC football game for our start to Labour Day. Not sure what the rest of the weekend will bring. - Maryg

  16. Hello, what a cute deer. The Tsunami sign is funny. I love your eagle photo. The view in the last photo is gorgeous.

    Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  17. Very pretty! I've had a great summer, too. My closest wildlife are the squirrels on my deck!

  18. Love the quirky tsunami sign thigh would not want one to happen. Great 5

  19. great photos, i love the silly goose sign!

  20. I hadn't read the words yet but I kept looking at that Eagle going something is wrong with this picture. LOL I've never seen an eagle period but hope to when we move to the farm next year. There's a couple on the property across the road that managed to eat all the catfish in our pond while nesting. 26 of them. I guess they were hungry.


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!