
Monday, February 9, 2015


Seems I don't blog for a long time - and then I go overboard - but at last I'm able to get out and get some new photos. The rain here in the Pacific Northwest has been relentless these past weeks - and on Sunday we got a break - sunshine for most of the day - and off we went towards the mountains.  

First a  stop at a little Bakery/Cafe for breakfast - and then on to the mountains to see the Bald Eagles.  Again - no Bald Eagles - but on the way home we stopped at a swamp with lots of Cattails - looking for the Red Winged Blackbirds that nest there.  Not one blackbird - not one sound of the males calling out their territories - but as I let my eyes wander over the area - what did I see?  
 A kingfisher waiting and watching for some lunch
 I've only seen Kingfishers at the ocean or on rivers - never in a Cattail area - what a treat!
Collages are made with and


  1. Hi Jo Ann,

    Love that kingfisher! Thanks for sharing.

    Have a Happy Blue Monday!

  2. For some reason, I always think of kingfishers as being much larger birds than they actually are.

  3. What marvelous photos of this beautiful bird. I haven't seen one in a long time! Enjoy your afternoon girlfriend! Hugs, Diane

  4. Sounds like an interesting book! I will have to check it out. I love your collages.

  5. What a shame the weather cannot spread itself around better. In Texas it is very dry and need the rain so badly.

  6. Great catch! Kingfishers don't seem all that common to me. But aren't they handsome little birds? These are such nice shots!

  7. Great photo of the Kingfisher!! I bet you were thrilled. What is especially helpful is that it is not camouflaged in that location ~ whereas it can often be harder to see in amongst rocks near the water.

  8. JoAnn, you find the most beautiful subjects. I have never seen a kingfisher but he certainly has a beak fit for fishing!. I'm going to check out those sites for editing. I have never heard of them before..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  9. We have several kinds of Kingfishers here in Japan. The one called "Common Kingfisher" is anything but common. It looks like a flying jewel and there are Japanese photographers that specialize in pictures of that bird to the point that birders do not post sightings on line to prevent an over-run of those photographers taking over the place. (they even take a floating ring with a net and fish inside as bait and pose a branch in the mud for the birds to perch in a pretty spot while they eat or contemplate their next meal. Sometimes setting the site like a flower arrangement with iris or flowering branches. I'm talking about men and their creativity of setting the scene and even blinds is amazing but trash attracts crows and crows eat small birds).

  10. Wonderful captures of the kingfisher...they are never very friendly around here. Can not get close to them at all.

  11. Nothing wrong with having a bloggy catch up! xx

  12. Cool sighting of the Kingfisher.. Great shots, they usually spook easily.. Have a happy day!


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