
Friday, March 15, 2013

Weekend Reflection

There is hardly anything better than water and a bird for a great reflection.

This was taken at the Arcata Marsh - long ago, and has remained one of my favorites

See that heron out there?

Oh that heron.  .  .

Here he is, closer.

Reflections even in moving water.  .  .

Heron on a bigger rock.  .  .

And a heron in a pond - reflections everywhere.  .  .

Or the reflection of a boat in the tide pools left on Birch Bay, when the tide goes out.

Boats on a lake.  .  .

And then there are reflections of boats in the harbor.  .  .

And a loon.  .  .

And speaking of loons .  .  .

And reflections.  .  . 

We often see loons by the Alaska Ferry Terminal on Bellingham Bay.

And back to herons - reflections of herons flying.  .  .

And the moon on water.  .  .


  1. Awesome blossom!!! Great post I love reflections!!

  2. The Heron on the rock on the middle of the lake is such a pretty image... I love your last night shot, with the moonlight : a very romantic atmosphere.

  3. Wow! ~ Amazing reflections shots and nature is so beautiful and you captured it so well ~ Enjoy ^_^

  4. Love the Heron shoots especially! Lovely!

  5. Lovely shots of the Heron and all the reflections.

  6. Stunning collection of magical reflections!

  7. Gorgeous series! The reflections and birds are beautiful. The last shot of the moon's reflection is my favorite. Happy Weekend!

  8. Beautiful every one! Arcana Marsh is one of our favorite places. When we lived in Oregon we did long weekends to eureka/Arcata quite often.

  9. Great photos of the heron and his reflections! Lovely reflection of the moon in the last photo too!

  10. what a marvellous collection - the heron on the rock and the moon are my favourites


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