
Thursday, March 14, 2013


Green is the main color in the Pacific Northwest.  With rainfall running from 20 inches a year to over 53 inches - and a record in 1931 of 183 inches in some areas, we have a lot of moss.  It softens and beautifies objects.  It adds character and it keeps a large part of Western Washings a lovely shade of green in the winter (along with the evergreen trees).  Washington is, afterall,  The Evergreen State.

There is moss on the trees.

Moss on a rock

Are these trees with moss going for a walk?  Or is this an elephant?

Leaves on moss on rocks.

Old cabins with moss  on the roof and blackberries smothering them.

Faces - with "Fro" hairdos - dude!

Moss on barns.

Moss on rocks in the river.

Moss climbing a tree.

Moss on old cars.

Moss with ferns growing in it.  Can you see the "crow"?

Moss on bridges.

Moss on forgotten fences in the woods.

Moss and ferns

Who is that mossy face?

Moss and fungi on fallen trees.

Moss in the park, on the tree.

Soft Moss creatures everywhere.


  1. JoAnn,
    I love your Moss photos for Green, dear one!!!
    Living through two years of drought, we have seen masses of brown!
    How refreshing to view all of the moss!!!
    Thank you for this post!

  2. Moss everywhere, thanks for sharing all the interesting places it grows. I've often looked for faces and animals in the clouds but see you do that with the moss out west.

  3. Your moss photos are beautiful!

  4. JoAnn, moss is so pretty out in the woods. Love the photo of the building disappearing under moss and blackberries. It doesn't take long for those plants to take over, does it? Love these photos.

  5. Moss can make a lovely carpet. I have no qualms about allowing it to take over where it wishes to in the yard...the very shaded least it's green. I did see the crow finally...for me, it was a rabbit...the beak was the rabbit's ears. Many beautiful photos here...

  6. Your photos could have been taken in my back yard. The green of the moss in winter is one if the lovely things about living in our part of the world! It's the colour of winter.

  7. Lots of lovely mossy photos! My favorite is the old cabin.

  8. Truly SO green! Close to the ocean as is Ireland! Happy St. Patrick's Day this weekend!
    I've just come from seeing more green over in your Pieceful Afternoon blog!
    The green lonestar quilt!

  9. Your whole world is overrun with green!!! How wonderful is that, now? You've shared some beautiful views!


  10. Oh yes, moss is so very beautiful in a garden or even just in nature! Thanks so much for contributing to Thursday's Inspiration, Jo Ann! xoxo


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