
Friday, March 15, 2013

Flowers on the Deck - and in the House

I love pansies, violas, Johnny-Jump-Ups - and each spring I plant them in my deck planters.  They love our long cool spring and reward us with zillions of blooms.  And being on the deck is almost like being indoors at our house.

I love them all.

And sometimes there are some still blooming in the winter so I can bring them indoors.


  1. Hi Joanne,
    Such pretty pictures, I really would love some warm weather, so cold here this week. Guess I have to wait a while before I can go outside and play and plant something pretty.
    Nancy Jo

  2. So Beautiful. Your beautiful photos makes me want to grow them.

  3. Belas, muito belas essas flores! Uma obra maravilhosa da criação! Abraço Ailime

  4. Adoro essas flores...em todos os tons são lindas com sua forma exuberante...beijos!

  5. Such beautiful, intense colors! These are some of my favorites, too.


  6. Oh wow, your pansies are just lovely! Gorgeous images. Happy Weekend!

  7. Lindas, lindas as flores postadas! Adorei! Beijos!

  8. I grow pansies every year. Your photos are exquisite / I can't wait to have some on my porch! :)

  9. Olá,
    Muito bonito o macro da flor e num tom harmonioso!!!
    Bjs fraternos de paz e bem

  10. I love all the pansies, but the blue and yellow are my all-time favourites!

  11. Wow what beautiful pansies
    mine are dreadful in comparison to your beauties!!

    Happy St. Patrick's Day.

    May you always have
    Walls for the winds,
    A roof for the rain,
    Tea beside the fire,
    Laughter to cheer you,
    Those you love near you,
    And all your heart might desire!


    ps thanks for linking up with Green Day

  12. ps tried to follow your page but blogger is not letting me!

    Will try again later.


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