
Monday, June 3, 2019

Mother's Day Gifts

We celebrated Mother's Day a little late - but it was super fun! 
One of my gifts was this fabulous Heron outdoor hanging.  Our son-in-law Jason designed and made this.  He based it from a photo that I took.  The outer ring is designed to represent the shutter of my camera.  It hangs above the double living room windows.  It is about 2 1/2 feet across.
This is the photo I had taken several years ago that Jason used to design the heron hanging.

He has amazing talent in design and in making up what he has designed.  When you need something designed - signs, stickers, flyers, 3D modeling and printing or laser cut projects, he is the one!

Visit his website Dauntless Design Works and find out the fantastic things he can create.  You'll be glad you did!

Another great gift was from our son and his family from West Virginia.  A big gift certificate for Uber Eats.  We get to pick  a restaurant in our area and have our meals delivered.  Hmmm, what shall we order?


  1. What an amazing gift!
    I'm lucky to get a phone call from one son in Vancouver. (The other one isn't speaking to me!)
    My daughter is a whole different story, thankfully!

  2. The Heron is just gorgeous! What a talented man he is! And it's nice to have some meals to be delivered! Hope you are resting still and getting your strength back! Love you, Diane

  3. That is so great to have it hand made, and even greater that it came from one of your photos. Happy belated Mother's Day. - Margy

  4. Jason really did a good job on that hanging. Nice to have something so special. I got a bit of family time a few days before and my son-in-law fixed up a number of things that needed help. We enjoyed som meals out and a big bouquet of flowers came from my Boston branch of the family.

  5. JoAnn - some things are worth waiting for, and both of these fall in that category! The heron is cleverly designed, and with such personal meaning for you. Those are truly the best gifts!


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