
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Wow - A Month and a Half

I've been flying under the radar for quite a while now - had no idea it was so long.  We had a lovely 3 week vacation in July and ever since we got back I've been slogging through, what for us, is a hot summer.  We have actually gotten a few days over 90 degrees, which is hot for the Pacific Northwest.

Plans are for some changes in my blog - slowly but surely - no more themed posts or memes - just a few photos of what is going on around me.

I'll start with photos by someone else.  I have a young friend who is a genius at taking photos. She is  a Sophomore in high school and has such a flare for composition and finding just the right shot.  She does all her photos with her phone.  I'm very impressed.  So let's see some of Elysia's photos.
 Her mom grows the most wonderful roses!!!
 The variety of color is amazing on these rose bushes.  These photos are directly off Elysia's cell phone.
 Fabulous composition.

I cropped this one a little to show the delicate water drops on the rose bud.

I know you will be as impressed as I am with Elysia's talent.  I'm looking forward to sharing more of her photos, and perhaps she will start a blog of her own.


  1. Hello lovely JoAnn, how wonderful to visit your lovely place once again....I have missed you. Oh my, Elysia's photos are a dream. She is a talent isn't she. Aah....roses....I am dreaming of warmer days when they will appear down here. Surely it won't be long now. So happy you had a lovely vacation. Have a lovely day, lovely lady.♥

  2. Good to hear from you again. I use my cell phone an awful lot for pivtures. It is just so handy and incredibly GOOD. You fried has a wonderful touch. The roses are so beautiful and the detail is great. Looking forward to seeing more.

  3. I was just thinking this afternoon that you hadn't posted for a long, long time and I was wondering if perhaps you were ill. Good to know you're not and we have a new post from you!

  4. My father was a rosarian and not only hybridised roses but many of his photos are in books about roses or on calendars. Those pictures are quite nice. AND it is great to see you back ... no matter what changes.

  5. Hello, so glad to see you posting again. I was just thinking of you! I am glad you had a nice time away. The roses are beautiful and Elysia's photos are lovely. Enjoy your day and the weekend ahead.

  6. It's good to see you back in blogland, JoAnn. Elysia takes wonderful photos, and how encouraging it must be for her to know you think so, too. Roses are great subjects for photography. Our temps are cooling down a little now, and I can almost hear the gardens breathe a sigh of relief.

  7. What gorgeous roses! She really should start a blog for her photography! And how HAPPY I am to see you and hear how you are. You've been in my thoughts a lot lately. Hope you are continuing to feel better and better! Lots of hugs, Diane

  8. My mom grew beautiful roses. I've been a bit slow with the blog this summer as well. Our satellite Internet had to come down up at the cabin for about six weeks. Without it, it was hard to do data intensive things like blogging and web surfing. We just got it back so I will probably be writing more often. - Margy

  9. JoAnn - I have been checking your blog every week or so, and I was starting to wonder … glad you are back. I think our blogs should evolve as we do, so I am looking forward to seeing what you do next. Your friend has a talent that shines through her photos - I liked the one with the reflection of a barn in the window behind the roses!


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!