
Sunday, July 1, 2018

Newer Barns

Last week we visited some of the older, rundown barns in our area - let's take a tour of some of the nicer ones.
 Neat and tidy - and a pretty red tractor
 The house looks like a barn too - though it was purpose built as a house, not converted from a barn.

 The ivy covered fence sets off an older barn, still in use.
 Not quite as new, or well kept
 Red barns always cheer up the countryside.
 This is a very common shape for barns in our area - in the foreground is a nice field of hay, about ready to be harvested.
 And an identically shaped barn - with a newly planted field in the foreground.  Very few differences in the two barns - one has a weathervane, the other doesn't.  One is in open fields, the other up against a mountain, one has a red tree on the left, the other has a green tree.
And our last one has fallen all to pieces.  We've watched over the years as it slowly collapsed to the ground.

Barn Collective


  1. That first barn and its accompanying house are very attractive!

  2. Red barns, pristine white painted barns, wood barns.....all are beautiful. I am always amazed at your barns, JoAnn.

  3. Unoccupied building fall apart much quicker than used ones. - Margy

  4. Hello, wonderful barn series. I like the barn home. Neat design.

    Enjoy your day and week ahead. Happy 4th of July!

  5. Somehow, the white barn with the red tractor does not qualify as a barn - it's just too neat and pretty! I love the one with the vines on the fence … makes me think of grape vines and then wine and … where was I? Hope you enjoy the weekend!

  6. Wow that first barn and home are great looking. Nice tidy people. I like red barns too. And yes we have a lot of that shape around. Nice blog

  7. Great selection of barns, though I always hate to see when they've collapsed.
    I hope you had a good weekend on "our" side of the Sound and hopefully explored some of Port Townsend while you were there! You picked a great time, though this coming weekend (20th-22nd) is the Sequim Lavender Festival, always a pretty time around here.

  8. It's been a weird Summer this year for me and today I realized I needed to stop by and see what you are up to JoAnn - your posts always bringing a longing for the countryside! These are lovely shots of more amazing barns - in all stages of life and disrepair - and they make me realize how special the countryside continues to be and how I miss it when I don't make the effort to get out there and drive off the highways.

    Did see some lovely scenery in June when up north, and soon will be heading to Utah and Colorado where I know I will be surrounded by beautiful countryside for a little while - it will be refreshing I'm certain.

    Hope your Summer is lovely and all is well with you and family.
    Hugs - Mary (in humid, dank and dreary NC - roll on Fall say I).


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!