
Sunday, June 3, 2018

Birthday and Mother's Day

My birthday was in March - and Mother's Day was last month - and I'm just now getting the photos edited and a post done about all the fun and gifts of  those special days.  My family really knows how to celebrate!!
 A big pot of flowers from our oldest daughter and her family - they are perfect for the table on the deck.

 The resident gnomes, Tammson and Pirphal are seated on a handmade twig bench, with a moss cushion and a healing stone for their pillow - from our youngest daughter.  Their pet ladybug, named "Dottie" sits quietly nearby.  

The sweet goose, in spring had and vest with a yellow neckerchief is from our oldest daughter's family also - beside Goosie is a bunny filled with chocolates (this was an easter gift that sneaked in with all the other gifts on today's post). Isn't she the cutest thing?
 Mother's Day brunch was a salad and sandwich bar - and oh my, did we have delicious choices.
 The dishes are my Mother's Day gift from Don - they are vintage Staffordshire "Coaching Inns" design - a complete set of service for 8 place settings plus several serving pieces.  He let me open the gift early so we could set the table for Mother's Day.

And more flowers - a bouquet of roses for my birthday from Don - and a big planter of of violas from our oldest daughter's family for my birthday - and they also brought two Martha Washington Geraniums for Mother's Day.
 And then there was our son's visit.  He works for Amazon in West Virginia and they flew him out to Seattle to accept an award at a recognition banquet.  They even arranged his plane tickets so he could stay a few days longer and come up to visit us (90 miles north of Seattle).    He brought a big bag of gifts and four lovely cards.  The fish on the right are a shopping tote that Donnie painted the fish for - and a matching key chain.  It was such a surprise to receive the big bag of gifts.  We had a family party to celebrate our son's birthday (which was a few weeks away) and when he was finished opening his gifts from the family, he brought out my surprise bag of gifts.
 In the bag were several sets of summer clothes for the dolls.  It is still to chilly for them to dress for summer - but soon.
 Also a soccer suit - with shoes, long stockings and a ball, many pairs of shoes and a puffy winter coat.  The dolls are so excited to have new clothes.
And also some of my favorite things for next christmas - pine cone christmas cards, pine cone stickers, a pine cone hot mitt for baking christmas goodies and a pretty jeweled cardinal ornament for the tree.  We enjoyed having our son here for a week's visit, and it would have been a lot of fun to have the whole family, this time it was just a plane ticket for him.


  1. What a happy time you've been having with the family and how wonderfull that you were able to celebrate with your son also. Thanks for getting Mosaic Monday off to such a jolly start this week!

  2. Oh my, you were laden down with beautiful gifts, weren't you. Love that pretty pot overspilling with blooming flowers. How lovely your son was able to come and visit and how lovely that he brought so many sweet surprises. Love your Mother's Day dinner set, what a marvelous husband you have. So happy that you were surrounded by your lovely family at these special celebrations! Special times, special memories!

  3. ...wishing you a belated Happy Birthday. 39 again?

  4. Happy belated birthday JoAnn! Your table looks beautiful, yummy food too.
    Beautiful collection of flowers, I love the roses. Enjoy your Monday and new week ahead.

  5. What a lot of celebrating at your place recently - so much fun. It's lovely that your son was able to spend some extra time with you on his business trip. Your flowers and other gifts look like they were given by people who know and love you well. Happy New Week!

  6. Happy belated Mother's Day! Have a great week ahead. Enjoy your pretty blooms.

  7. Your vintage plates are awesome!!! Happy mosaic Monday

    much love...

  8. You always have such fun celebrations at your house, with the prettiest dishes! Of course I am CRAZY over those doll cloths! What fun you'll have playing dollies. Can I come over for a play date? Hugs, Diane

  9. Everything looks beautiful and/or delicious! I love that pine cone oven mitt!

  10. Lovely cheery post JoAnn - belated greetings to you for another fun birthday (love the dishes!) and Mother's Day. Days. The days, weeks even months are flying - it's hard to keep up with everything isn't it?

    Happy June.

  11. Happy belated Birthday! What a wonderful time you had on your birthday and Mother's Day. How nice to see your son and congrats to him on his award. The flowers are beautiful! Have a fun filled week!

  12. Wowee! Wow! Your family sure does know how to celebrate. Could you come down and give my family lessons? Please!! LOL

  13. Such a caring, thoughtful family, JoAnn. I love that your son was able to come for a visit too--an added gift!

  14. JoAnn - you are obviously a very loved woman! I admired how the petunias and the color of the pot match - stunning! And a visit from one of our children is always the best gift ever - seems the big gift bag was the 'icing on the cake'! What a thoughtful collection of gifts - clearly knows you very well!

    Enjoy the rest of your week!


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!