
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Play Ball !!

Tonight is Opening Day for the Seattle Mariners - and the kids got all dressed up in their uniforms to celebrate the day.
Donnie Doll, Sally Jo, Abby and Poppy Sunshine

Donnie Doll, Candy D., Kyla, and Sally Jo 
We're ready for the game!
 Play ball !!!!

 Sally Jo is taking pictures of everyone

 Poppy and Abbey wave their pennants

Now Abby will take pictures -  let's take turns

 Bat, ball, cap, sneakers - yep, Donnie is ready.

Sammy loves her sunglasses and stripey shoes that match her dress. 

 Hurray for the home team!

Great game !
 High Five!
Let me get a picture of that!

Do you have a favorite baseball team?
Donnie, Candy D, Kyla, Sally Jo, Sammy, Abby and Poppy Sunshine - ready for a great season of baseball.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Pintail Ducks

Another of our plentiful overwintering ducks are the Pintails.  I love their little cheeping whistle - and the beauty of their feathers.
 Such striking feather designs - and their wonderful  blue beaks!
 They often flock with Mallards

 A nap by the bay shows off their feathers

Friday, March 16, 2018

Viewing Nature

This is what we saw on a recent ride.  The position of the "critters" in the large yard was too far apart for me to get them both in the picture so I had to make a panorama view for you - I can tell you for sure - it did make us stop instantly when we saw them.
I can truly say I've never seen a cow looking through a telescope at an eagle before.  What fun those folks in that house must have.

Saturday's Critters

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Treasures of Spring

A gift for my birthday last year - grape hyacinth and mini daffodils - there are pink tulips in the planter also - that are just starting to emerge.

Lots of rain and then dew overnight - the sparkles in the sunlight were just too much to resist.

And in a nearby flowerpot, there was a dew covered spider web - just waiting for some unsuspecting bug to come along to visit.
The water droplets were amazing!!!!
I'm thankful for the beauty around us, we don't have to look far for it.  And thankful for my friend Zeneida, who gave me the pretty pot of flowers last year - they will give me years of memories.