
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Treasures of Spring

A gift for my birthday last year - grape hyacinth and mini daffodils - there are pink tulips in the planter also - that are just starting to emerge.

Lots of rain and then dew overnight - the sparkles in the sunlight were just too much to resist.

And in a nearby flowerpot, there was a dew covered spider web - just waiting for some unsuspecting bug to come along to visit.
The water droplets were amazing!!!!
I'm thankful for the beauty around us, we don't have to look far for it.  And thankful for my friend Zeneida, who gave me the pretty pot of flowers last year - they will give me years of memories.


  1. ...JoAnn, your rain is the crowning jewels of your treasures! Thanks so much for stopping by, enjoy your weekend and please plan to stop back again.

  2. You have photographed the best bits of spring. Bravo!

  3. Your photos of the dew drops are amazing, JoAnn. You and your magic camera have captured the most sublime photos. How lovely that Spring is beginning to spring up there. Enjoy all the pretty flowers!

  4. When you can take a rainy day and change it into eye candy and jewels, that is a special gift to us all. It is raining here. Maybe I need to get off my sofa and take my camera outside.

  5. I have both in my float garden. They were just starting to bloom when we left earlier this week. - Margy

  6. A reminder to us all - we don't have to seek far and wide to find beauty and wonder. And we tend to take water for granted - and look what it does to a simple object like a web! Thanks for sharing this delight with us!

  7. These are some charming rain shots! They always look good of flowers but the spider web is wonderfully photogenic!

  8. Beautiful shots of beautiful flowers! The rain and dew drops are glorious. (I thought we'd lost our daffodils over the weekend when we had a freezing night or two. They looked collapsed. But by the end of the day they were standing up tall again. Aren't they wonderful, resilient flowers?)

  9. These are heart warming! We're still too cold.


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