
Sunday, May 28, 2017


   Most of today's barns are worn and weary

Old, patched and rusted
Mossy and shabby
Tall and leggy in a hay field.
Lots of room for hay storage when it was in use.
But some are still well maintained and useful for storing the large, round hay bales.  The crows have found something interesting in the field.
Weathering boards, but the roof is bright and new.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Hummingbirds and Friend

A good rainy day and a fresh, full feeder

I'll sit here and watch for other birds

I don't see anyone

Guess I'm here all alone.
Wait - look at that big guy - wow!
This is our friend - Mr. Crow - he's pretty big
And I think he is hungry too.

Maybe when we grow up we'll be bigger like Mr. Crow

Old Grey Barns

Many of the old barns have not been painted for years now and are weathering into pretty grey colors.
Is this barn winking at us? Does it have a secret?
A little farm shed - no longer in use
The blackberries are coming!

A garage, a small barn, some Trumpeter Swans to the right - and a hammock to the left.  Life is good
Just the barn - in a large hay field on the way to Stanwood, WA.  Another day - another view - without the garage or the hammock.
Patched up but still standing
New tin roof
Old tin roof
Not a grey barn - but a very interesting new style of silo.  It certainly covers a large amount of the farmland.
Chicken ranches used to be a big part of farming in our area - there are many long chicken houses still left standing - though only one chicken enterprise still operating - on a much larger scale than this would have been.
Still used for hay storage - the new roof keeps things dry during our rainy winters (and rainy autumns and rainy springs - and sometimes rainy summers).

Friday, May 19, 2017


The hummingbirds have been busy at the feeders this spring
The Rufous Hummingbirds are the main visitors to our feeders this spring.

 Showing off their pretty feathers - even in the rain.

 Fluffing up to keep warm with raindrops on their feathers and beaks

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Silver Lake

On a cold spring day (what day hasn't been cold this spring?) we packed a picnic and headed off to Silver Lake, it is on the way to Mt. Baker.
The sunshine catches a fern in the undergrowth.
The heavy rains have inundated the little dock at the boat launch - you will be sure to get your feet wet here.
It has been cold - but I think it is time to take the "thin ice" sign down.
Canada Geese spend the year at the lake

A spring Robin - looking for a worm, no doubt
Even on cold days the kayakers are out and about
This is a county park and there are campgrounds, playgrounds, rowboats and paddle boats for rent, picnic areas and cabins to rent.  We stayed in this cabin, sitting high above the lake on a bluff, several years ago.  It has a nice deck around in the front, looking out over the lake and a fireplace, plus walk-in shower, a kitchen and beds.
We had never seen deer in the park before - they were quite tame as I took photos.

The old stumps from the logging days in this area are returning to the earth.  Bears and other animals will claw at the stumps to find tasty morsels to snack on.

Canada Goose swims near an interesting newer stump.

A conference of stumps.
Mosses, ferns and lichens often cover the older stumps.

New trees will grow on top of the old stumps - their roots snaking down to the earth, and covered with moss.
There was no one at the swimming beach or the picnic area this chilly day - we ate our picnic in the car, out of the wind and the sunshine through the car windows kept up warm.

Our County Parks are a treasure for all to enjoy -there are over 7,000 acres of parks, plus the parks in cities and towns.